Well, I am frequently asked what books I own, so I uploaded the first batch to the site:
Library Thing... Spy on other JWDers bookshelves!!
by daystar 21 Replies latest jw friends
I have only a couple dozen books, because I live in a trailer - there just isn't room :( The bookcase above my monitor could hold as many as a hundred books if itwasn't full of software and CD's.
In the good old days, when I had a house, we had a six-foot bookcase in each room (except my daughter - but she was very young then and only owned about four dozen books). Once I estimated our collection at about a thousand books.
Sometimes I miss them.
Too bad this site won't allow you to list books you never should have given away /:)
gently feral
It will be a motivator to inventory my books for my renter's insurance. Here's a few off the top of my head; http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=Duffy61
Black Sheep
I have too many books to list. I have plenty here to scare the shite out of the average JW who wants to cross swords with me.
While I was a drifted believer WT mags/books were always scattered around my house.
Now that I am studying the WT, my family refuses me the latest mags and the only religious literature that can easily be found is my collection of old WT litterature, COC, Have You Seen my Mother and apostate Moonie books.
I still haven't been shown the latest tract, which is of such great importance to all of mankind.
I'v had a whole library when I was a dub, now I've got something like five times over. Plus untold number of magazines that are regularly given away otherwise I would not have anywhere to put them.
I remember having a visit from a couple of elders 5 years ago, when they walked into my study room they apparently got dumbstruck, one of them asked me, "did you actually read all of those books" I replied, "no I just keep these to impress my visitors" Sadly, that sounded more realistic to them than that I really read those books ...
You guys have some impressive libraries. I find you can tell so much about a person from the books on their shelves. I'll keep adding to mine as I have time.
I'm not sure why, but when you view the site with Internet Explorer you don't get the titles of the books which are displayed in Firefox. They are also in a random order, whereas they are ordered by author in Firefox. Viewing the site with Firefox is imho much better!
Leo... hmm... that's not been my experience. I'm using IE 6 and if I choose the default Display Style "A", my books are ordered alphabetically. If you click the "edit" link to the left, you should be able to customize your sort order.
An odd thing I've noted in Firefox is that my tab for "Add Books" reads "Zeitgeist" instead.
Hmmm... maybe the WBTS should retranslate "generation" to zeitgeist. At least then it would make sense with their current "understanding".
Here is how your Display A looks in IE on my computer:
No titles, and no particular order that I can see.