Fading: A Little Craziness Helps

by metatron 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    WOW, I can't believe this is working for all of you. I tried it and my parents (only JW family) said the only way to overcome it was to get to more meetings. The elders told me the same thing. The push to attend more meeting and go in field service became worse. Glad it is doing the opposite for most of you. Wish it had worked for me so I wouldn't have had to have my baptism nullified.

    I think the only reason why it really worked for me is because I went through something really intensely drastic... it's hard to tell someone they are lying when you saw them in the ICU. I don't recommend that ever being part of anyone's plan. It just sort of happened. And opened up my eyes to the bullsh*t. And then subsequently brought me here to you great great great people. Sorry, Unique1. There's never an easy way. That's the chilling part. No way to leave with dignity.

  • dobbie

    I think the jws are wary of people who they don't see as 'normal'(whatever that is) i battled in the early witness days with depression, codeine addiction, harming etc and no one offered to help me during that period, not even my husband. Instead they labelled me as 'mentally unstable' and left me well alone. So i can definately agree that if they think you have problems of that sort, the majority shy away from you.Come to think of it though i must have been a little 'crazy' to join them in the first place!

  • IBok

    LMAO - I couldn't help but find your tactics amusing! Why rock the boat and sink yourself? My husband and I just faded away - when the elders come to visit - my husband says he just can't get past the wrongs done to him - they feel appropriately sorry for him and suggest that he come back and say something to correct it - well, been there done that! Depression and act? I don't think so - it is very depressing to be caught up in the middle of choosing between family, friends & your own survival and happiness.

    I have nothing to loose by disassociating myself - but it would just destory my hubby if he were to - his parents abandoned him b4 when he did that. He has lost so much - so is it really an act to pretend mental illness? Keeps us from being df'd - and we don't have to go to meetings! woohoo!

    anything that makes us sick mentally - ie..morning your friends and family - or the loss thereoff - is a great "excuse" and a valid one - being able to joke about your frets!? priceless!

    Keep up the good humor!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Metatron,

    Good for you!!!


    Lady Liberty

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