You know what really gets me confused? It's when people change their avatars! I never realized how much I associated the person's avatar with the poster! It's like having a face change or something or personality change...
How do you remember all the posters?
by MsMcDucket 27 Replies latest jw friends
I don't expect anyone to remeber me :) but then I haven't posted in about 4 years so....
I just popped in to remind myself that I'm still not the only one who has delt with these issues. It's a little reassuring :)
The easiest way for me to remember everyone is to come here and read the threads. Granted, some names may stick if you relate to them in a somewhat unique way.
PM's also help to remember since there's just 1:1 communication there.
MsMcD, I will pm you my number.
Hi Ms MCD join us in chat. It's a good way to get to know others.
Hi Ms MCD join us in chat. It's a good way to get to know others.
Serendipity where do you chat at?
Lonelysheep, I'll be looking for your number!
Mystla, did I spell your name right? Well thanks for popping in on my post!
aye, you spelled it right, but you can call me Misty, if you like :) Mystla was a RPG character I used to play and was the "anonymous" name I used when I first signed on here. But I'm not afraid of "discovery" anymore. I am who I am..even if my mother did give me a rediculous name!
Probably the people you will remember most are those who either agree with you, you agree with them or people who tend to flame you or others. There's no way to remember everyone. Especially hard to keep up with are all the newer ones and people that have very similar monikers. People with stand out personalities like you, Brooke, Buttlight and Mrs. Jones, or a character like Gumby will stick in your mind.
rolling rock
It's not to hard to remember the posters. Remembering them all, no way... I will say that this board has changed a TON sence I first joined. There was lot's of drama when I first joined JWD... Anyone know what happend to Harmony???