just to add,, yes in australia they have the tract already,and im pretty sure it has a lightening bolt on the front...i just cant remember exactly as i looked away pretty quick at the time,, but i told my sister about it and said i think there is a scary lightening bolt on it,,its blue ...
Possible clue to the "Big" Announcement!!
by Lady Liberty 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Bumble Bee
My mother in law has the tracts already, as she gave us one! Not sure where hubby put it, I know he did the recycling the other day - hhhmm, come to think about it I haven't seen it since!
Hey Arthur - I thought your elder friend had spoken to a gb member and said about some changes. Have you heard from him any more about it?
Lady Liberty
Damn, I've missed that. Can I have the link to that thread, plz? :)
Dear Zagor,
Sorry but I don't remember what thread that was on. It was a little bit ago. Help.... can anyone repost the tact for us??
Lady Liberty
Aww crap.
That whole "some witnesses aren't going to like this announcement" was just over the fact that the tract is heavy hitting and some might be upset by it?
I was all excited for some announcement about how you have to kill your unbelieving kids or something really galvanizing that would make my mom want to get the heck outta Dodge.
Big effin' disappointment.
-K -
We`ve already had an announcement,about the announcement,of the Big Announcement,but it wasn`t announced.Instead we got an announcement about the Big Announcement,that there would be no Big Announcement this week.Now we have an announcement of a clue to the Big Announcement that wasn`t announced this week,but may be announced next week.Does this clue bring us any closer to the announcement of the big announcement that was`nt announced this week,but may be announced next week?
Lady Liberty
I love Outlaw. He is extwemely funny.
Greetings LL & BP,
I agree 100% in your thinking that the new track is the "Big Announcement".
Dildo , you must know what a kazoo is ! silly girl TUT TUT!