Was Being A Witness, All THAT Bad???

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    It was GREAT!!!

    Where else could a person:

    Shun people and not be thought of as anti-social or a psychopath

    Gleefully look forward to the absolute annihilation of over 6 BILLION people in one single event

    Not have to buy any gifts for others

    Use Field Service as an excuse for not helping people in real need

    Gossip about people you didn't really know

    Be exceedingly privileged to drive an 8 year-old Toyota Cambry with 365,000 of Service miles logged on it

    Be in style wearing polyster leisure suits made in 1976

  • parakeet

    ***I mean, you could've been made to be an Islamic fundamentalist or something, right?***

    That's like saying it's not so bad being bitten by a rattlesnack; after all, it could have been a cobra, right?

    Whether it's snakebites or cults, it's ALL bad. The only difference is that one may get you killed a little quicker than the other.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    The actions, lies and deceit of the people have turned away millions....................Other than that, no not that bad! LOL

  • minimus

    HONESTY, I love your response!

  • solo

    well let me just remember:

    no christmas celebrations or presents, no birthdays parties or presents, no easter eggs, halloween, fire works night, not allowed to discos, cinema or joining in with school events

    set apart at school, not allowed to join in with anything related to christmas or anything mentioned above or religious lesson, not allowed into assembly all of which led to bullying by both children and teachers. Left isolated.

    little association with our grandparents and cousins because they were wordly

    constant studying, setting through hours and hours of boring meetings, being dragged out of bed on a saturday morning to go on field service. Giving up our summer holiday to aux pioneer

    forced to dress up in formal unfashionable clothes then made to troup to the KH in front of our friends who were out playing on a sunny Sunday afternoon

    knocking on doors in our local neighbourhood in fear of a peer answering, being jeered by children whilst on FS.

    The fear of demons being instilled into our minds

    hmm, no it wasn't all that bad really, the more i think about it, it was WORSE!

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Having been raised a JW, then raising 5 children as JW's, it's been difficult to look back and think it was all bad. As a child I don't remember celebrating anything, but I also don't think of my childhood as bad, or missing out on anything. But then again, I was a very shy, quite person (unlike now)! I think our children had a good childhood also, although looking back I do have regrets that we didn't allow them any close, "worldly" friends, no dances (that we knew of anyway), no sports etc. We let our youngest play golf in school, before our exit out of the WT, and it was great. I think we taught them to be loving, kind and generous persons, reflected in their lives today. But, then again, as a non-JW, I would have taught them this also, and maybe they would have been even more so. My husband regrets that he never pursued an education, beyond being a janitor early on and a concrete laborer, thinking the end would be any day, and as such, are like most JW's and ex-JW's, with little or no retirement (since we wouldn't need it). I also wouldn't have met my wonderful husband (Rockhound) of nearly 42 years. So I guess I have regrets, I'm sure we all do, but some good came out of it too!

    Little Bo Peep

  • minimus

    Little Bo Peep, you have a husband named "Rockhound"???

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