Campfire Ghost Stories and Jehovah's Witnesses

by The wanderer 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • solo

    there was so much - everything was demonised unless it was produced by the society wasn't it?

    I think our house was demonised although I never saw a thing. My brother has loads of experiences, seeing figures, not being able to go downstairs due to the invisible force ? wtf? My mum was always banging on about this and that happening, probably to scare the sh*t out of us.

    Anything that was given to us kids had to be confiscated and destroyed in case it was demonised and that included sweets. Well I suppose if they are going to ban Christmas and birthdays there's no point in stopping there.

    I think there was also some book that was demonic so that had to be burned but it took two elders and a lot of petrol (then they had to pray) - is it not the case that books don't burn easily anyway. something to do with no oxygen between the pages, they are basically like a lump of wood.

    My parents ofter bought things at auctions and second hand shops and then start going on about how they are demonised, but just to make sure and terrify us kids they leave them in the house for a couple of weeks, building up the evidence before destroying said item


    Mad Magazines were demonized..My mom tried to burn them and they didn`t catch on fire fast enough for her..There was the proof right there!.....I would tell my brother ghost stories at night,he`d scream blue murder and I`d get a beating..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • greendawn

    These are no doubt fairy tales that aim at giving the impression that the JWs are the true religion since it is targetted and opposed by the demons. What I heard was that a spirit medium was told by the demons they were battling hard to undermine and destroy the JW families.

  • Liberty

    The most interesting thing about all these supposidly unique JW brushes with the supernatural is that my ex-Southern Baptist wife had heard most of the same stories just modified slightly for more mainstream fundies to ooo and ahhh over, capper evidence to me that these stories are 100% made up nonsense. On top of all of this we could logically ask why would super intellegent beings just one step below the creator of the Universe (i.e. fallen angels) waste their time and powers on "demonizing" old toys,clothes, furniture, shawls, game boards, etc. just to scare a bunch of shaved apes living in some third rate star system? It just doesn't add up.

  • misanthropic

    ::I, too - remember the one about the witness gal going door-knocking - and the fella answering the door - who had just (cue Psycho music) murdered the Avon lady. When the cops asked him later why he didn't also kill the JW - he answered about the 'two large men on either side of the lady'.

    I remember hearing this one. It didn't motivate me like it did others though. I remember being scared sh*tless about having to go in service after that. Always wondered when some crazed psycho was gonna get me.

  • Ironhead

    Misanthropic, we had a dog story just like the one you mentioned, but it involved myself. A brother and I were at the door, and this stupid dog went for us. The dog all of a sudden stopped and went back inside the house. When we finished the street we were working on, he told the brothers what happened and that the angel declaring the good news must have saved us. Little did that brother know I scared that stupid dog by staring it out, so I must be an angel or the dog was a coward.

  • misanthropic

    ::Misanthropic, we had a dog story just like the one you mentioned, but it involved myself. A brother and I were at the door, and this stupid dog went for us. The dog all of a sudden stopped and went back inside the house. When we finished the street we were working on, he told the brothers what happened and that the angel declaring the good news must have saved us. Little did that brother know I scared that stupid dog by staring it out, so I must be an angel or the dog was a coward.

    Wow Ironhead. Either you stared it down or it is true- dogs can detect evil in people.

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