a mere young boy will lead them all....

by candidlynuts 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    " a mere young boy will lead them all and they will heed his childish call"

    i remember when i was very young, one of the annointed saying to my brother " What if YOUR that little boy?"

    which just fascinated my brother and puffed him up..

    i just realized today, he's almost 50 years old now..

    guess he's not the mere young boy!

  • HadEnuf

    Yup Ms. Emu...I guess your brother missed the boat on that one! I have a brother about that age too...hmmm...I guess he's 53? I forget those things when you don't see your family anymore.


  • candidlynuts

    yeah its just weird memories and moments like this that show how fast time has passed !

    we're all still kids in my head!!!!

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