Why the disaster will hurt the WTS in the long run

by Seeker 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Very good jdubla,

    I caught it kinda - but couldn't figure it quite out (usual for me.)

    I was in Indiana around 1978.......75 had come and gone....."but that just means that The End is getting closer and closer. Look at The World! Can it get much worse? It's sunk about as low as it can go! Surely The End is closer than we even think."

    About speculation? JW's in general, thrive on it. It just makes common sense - look at the mags, all the ones on New Light, prophecy, problems of the world, the eminent end - all speculation. Are lowly jw's going to behave any differently than their masters - The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class? Especially after we've been taught to pattern our behavior, our thinking, our emotions, after them?

    I have jw family ... you can see their wheels turning they want to talk about it so much. Problem is....their wheels are like gerbil wheels - round and round and round.


  • nytelecom1
    it is NOT natural for people to be jumping all over every major news event hopeing/praying that this signifies the beginning of god's killing 6 billion people. Doesn't sound to 'natural' to me

    the issue here is viewpoint. witnesses dont view it as a killing of
    6 billion people. it is viewed as an end to wickedness on this earth.

    that is why it doesnt sound natural to you.

  • BobsGirl
    the issue here is viewpoint. witnesses dont view it as a killing of
    6 billion people. it is viewed as an end to wickedness on this earth.

    that is why it doesnt sound natural to you.

    and this sounds natural to you????


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Dogpatch

    I would venture to say freom watching Shoah and all the other documentaries regarding the Jewish Holocaust, and the interviews with the leaders who survived and were part of Hitler's team. They didn't want to the the killing either, it was only at the last stage they were forced to, but most of them hated it. Compassionate? No, just a big dirty job. The question is, will Witnesses miss the rest of the world? Are they glad they are gone? One man's evil is another's religion. You cannot define evil for everyone.

    Are Witnesses evil? No.
    Are they, in attitude, no part of this world? mostly. Same with other authoritarian religions, and even monks and priests. In isolation, one is very intolerant of outsiders. If there is strong reason to hate the world, you will be happy to see all the people dead.

  • waiting

    Howdy Nytele,

    Hope things are settling down for you?

    the issue here is viewpoint. witnesses dont view it as a killing of 6 billion people. it is viewed as an end to wickedness on this earth.

    that is why it doesnt sound natural to you.

    Just because jw's don't view "the end to wickedness on this earth" as the reality of God killing 6 billion people - doesn't make it not so.

    In actuality, in order for jw's Paradise Earth Plan work, God must kill 6 billion people, and most likely every major building in the world.

    It's called "denial". Jw's have been doing it for over 100 years. "I will think about this, but I won't think about how's it going to be accomplished. Wait on Jehovah."

    Btw, denial is a natural defense - but can be quite unhealthy, even deadly, to those who practice it too much. Of course, they're usually in denial about having denial also.


  • proplog2

    Sooner or later the Watchtower has to identify some event as the "disgusting thing standing where it shouldn't".

    Unfortunately they think that the UN's attack on Babylon the Great/False religion is the sign. If they are waiting for that to occur it will NEVER happen because Babylon the Great is not the world empire of false religion.

    Babylon the Great http://members.aol.com/~proplog2/page1.html

  • nytelecom1
    and this sounds natural to you????

    yes it does..
    i didnt make an excuse..just gave you the reason

    Howdy Nytele,

    Hope things are settling down for you?

    slowly but surely, waiting, thanks for asking.
    it is a pleasure to drive down the westside highway and
    see crowds chearing policeman and fireman...this helps a little

  • RunningMan

    I agree that this is going to hurt the JW's in the long run. It is just one
    more disappointment that adds to all of the others - one more nail in
    the coffin.

    In my area, I am picking up what appears to be a downplaying of these
    events. I think people are already expecting to be disappointed with this.

    On the night of the tragedy, our attendance was approx 110% of our
    publishers. Last night, it was under 90%. I predict that in about two
    weeks, we will be back to our usual 70%. We had a local needs part
    last night dealing with meeting attendance, and the speaker dealt at length
    with the recent upturn in attendance that appears to be downturning

  • BlackMan4Life

    Seeker - I have to agree with you for the most part b/c most JW's are ignorant to world history. This 9/11 event, for me, is just history repeating itself, they think current events are unique. On the other hand it may help them b/c as history repeats itself, they may have a new 'generation' of followers - a post 9/11 generation, using this event to change the 'time of the end' prophecy so they can have a cushion of another 100 years of failed predictions :)


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