Hi Tweetiebird,
Thanks for posting this article.
On one hand I agree with Kofi Annan that we are headed for a religious war, if we are not there already. I don't see how it can be avoided because of the nature of the deep historic hatred that extremists Muslims have toward Israel and the largely Christian West (Eastern Christians are less of a target, but still a potential target.) Among Muslim extremists, hatred is taught from generation to generation. Whereas, among Christians, indifference and ignorance prevails with a sense of disbelief that the war on terror is really the resumption of the wars from the 12th century.
On the other hand, I strongly disagree with Kofi Annan about the legitimacy of the United Nations. My parented, who went through WWII had no use for the UN. And I well recall in the 1950s watching TV News and other commentaries about how useless the UN really is. It has made little improvement in the last 50-years. I am fully convinced that we need to say good-ridance to the United Nations as an ineffective and useless organization. Iran utterly disrespects the United Nations, and they seem to be getting their way. Whereas Hugo Chavez of Venzula wants to move the United Nations out of the United States. I agree with him, and furthermore, I want the United States to stop its funding nearly 25% of the UN budget, and instead pay the same amount that Iran pays. Use the rest of the money saved to help the poor and homeless here at home.
Jim Whitney