Can close proximity to Jehovah ruin the faith of exJW's?

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    ***And that is the reason I think many exJW's lose faith, lose interest in God and feel alone and abandoned.***

    I think Jehovah is a god that the WTS created, and in line with their philosophy, he is a small-minded, vindictive bully of a deity. It's difficult at the best of times to adore and worship such a god, so when JWs lose faith in WTS doctrine, it's only logical that the WTS's miserly concept of a god would also go by the wayside. Who would want to be in close proximity to such a poor excuse for a deity? Not me.

    Personally, I did not feel abandoned by losing faith in the JWs and their god; on the contrary, I felt liberated (although a bit scared at times).

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