Muslim lingo very similar to Aussie lingo

by barry 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    I bought the Daily Telgraph today and in the political cartoon section there is the heading 'Who will pass the true blue test.

    you see Australia is very lax with immigrants and now wants them to learn english and to learn about Australian values.

    In the Telegraph we have two Arab men doing the test.The second Arab is the Aussie one.

    First Arab "stone the infidels ' Second Arab 'Stone the crows'

    First Arab 'Strike the unworthy' Second Arab'Strike me lucky'

    Frist Arab 'Blow me up'. Second Arab 'Blow me down'

    First Arab 'Tremble when I shout'. Second Arab '"your shout? you beauty, sport?

    Seems like its not going to be too difficult to teach these people to become Aussies just a slight re adjustement.

  • nelly1

    LOLOLOLOL Barry I love it!! thats hilarious, living in nz I can appreciate that humour, as nzers understand australian humour, oh man wont the muslims hate that one, wonder what will happen over what the pope has been saying, why would he even quote that knowing how mad they go about anything negative said about their false prophets, oh man and now a cardinal has agreed with the quote, sit back and run for cover. but thanks for that I will send it to my mother in law she will have a good laugh

  • bigmouth

    Maaate! Fosters did a great promo years ago called Teach Yourself Strine. On each side of a coaster you had an Aussie phrase and its 'English' equivalent. Trouble getting the Muslims into the pub though.

    "Oh little Stacey Jones puts a bomb into the corner!"

  • jwfacts

    I feel sorry for anyone trying to learn Australian. My wife has been here for 20 years and still does not understand the lingo, there are so many sentences where the words have little to do with the meaning.

  • stillajwexelder

    An Aussie once bragged to me that quote "I have just speared the bearded clam" what did he mean?

  • V
    what did he mean?

    The drink needs to be stirred!

    Bearded Clam Recipe

  • bigmouth

    Ha! Yes, Stilla that's the complete opposite of 'sparing' the bearded clam.

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