WTS' use of "Presumptuousness." Calling the kettle black...

by Confession 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Confession

    The WTS' position: "People, people. Let's not be presumptuous. Understand that Jehovah is looking for humble, sheep-like people. People who will not be resistant to accepting needed counsel from us. Act now to stamp out all traces of presumptuousness, and bring yourself in line with our Jehovah's standards."

  • Seeker4

    The WTS is without a doubt one of the most presumptuous organizations that has ever existed. The arrogance in those paragraphs, the blindness to what they are, is mind boggling.

    Think of what the WTS has claimed about itself - the one true faith, God's chosen ones, the conduit for all knowledge about God and his purpose, God's faithful and discreet slave, the only ones who will survive the Great Tribulation, the only ones who know what God's will is, and the only ones who are doing it - the list goes on and on. Talk about presumptuous!!

    And does presumptuousness lead to mistakes? Hmmm, let's see: 1875, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1975, 1994, the 1914 generation, King of the North and King of the South, sheep and goats, ANY WTS explanation of the books of Revelation or Daniel. Yeah, I guess it does lead to mistakes!


  • onesong

    Confession, I've just finished reading your letter to your mom and I have to say that I've read a lot of great stuff on this forum but that is one of the best.

    Your research, references and logical reasoning is presented in an impeccable manner making it very difficult for anyone to honestly avoid it.

    You've taken many of the scattered thoughts I've had and distilled them into a fabulous, cohesive statement.

    I hope the best for you with your mom, in the very least she'll have to respect where your coming from.

    Would you mind if I added the letter to my collection?

    Btw, I loved this comment! (amongst many other great ones)

    You have to make it through these three layers of propaganda and institutional manipulation in order to finally give yourself permission to conduct an objective investigation into this organization. It’s an awful lot to have to go through for the simple right to use your head.

  • Confession
    Would you mind if I added the letter to my collection?

    Not at all, Onesong. That goes for anyone else too. So glad you may benefit from it.


  • onesong

    I just printed it and read the whole thing to my girlfriend. Much of it brought tears to my eyes as I'm going thru the same thing with my family.

    Brilliant work again Confession, Thank you for sharing.

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