Fugitive Mormon leader's reign of fear ended

by katiekitten 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten


    To summarise a Mormon group broke away from the main church when they gave up polygamy, and about 10 000 of them followed this man who took over leadership from his father.

    The followers were allowed no TV, newspapers or outside influences, children were taught the leader was divinely oerdained and infallible and young girls were 'shared out' sexually between him and his buddies leaders. Young boys were seen as competition and were driven out of the main settlement and abandoned.

    When a group of twenty members rebelled against his leadership in 2004 they were thrown out and their wives and children 'redistributed' to other men.

    He was caught on a traffic offence after a routine check, and is going to be tried on charges of accomplice to rape.

    Funny how these sects so heavily favour mens right to f**k everyone and everything, and manage to treat women worse than cooking implements. WHY, HOW do they put up with it???

  • Crumpet

    I feel sorry for young girls brought up like that, but I was brought up in a repressive patriachal society too and I got out at 16! Get soem guts and don't put up with it.

    And Katie if the situ were reversed would we women abuse it or would we be nice and ask the men first if they wanted to be copulated with? I wonder!

    I rather thing I might take the route of wreaking my bitter revenge on millenia of man domination! hehe!

  • lowden

    Y'know i never was that keen on the Mormons. I much prefer the Moomins. No raping, psycotic tossers on that programme.

    Hector's House was best though. Sorry is this a serious thread??..............



  • katiekitten
    I much prefer the Moomins


    I guess if I could set up a religion and invent rules that said me and a few of my best mates could shag thousands of tasty blokes, and they had to wear nothing but Calvin Kleins all day long and cook my tea, and live in special shagadelia huts and werent allowed to read or see anything that might make them think I was odd, and they had to believe that I was infallible, and when they got old (like 29 or something) I got to shag their sons instead... well.... its tempting....

    Any ladies up for starting a new religion?

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Any ladies up for starting a new religion?

    It's an interesting concept, so what are you thinking of calling it? It'd need a nice, catchy title.

  • katiekitten

    Weelll I quite like Lowdens idea.

    We could be the Moomins!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Yeah, the Moomins sounds good.

    We could lure the unsuspecting men in, and they wouldn't have any idea what they were getting themselves into until it was too late. By then they'd either be enjoying themselves too much to leave, or be too knackered to run.

  • ithinkisee

    ::::Funny how these sects so heavily favour mens right to f**k everyone and everything,
    ::::and manage to treat women worse than cooking implements. WHY, HOW do they put up with it???

    Ahhh ... I miss the good ole days.

    Just kidding. Actually thanks for the update. I remember when there was a big Primetime special or something on this dude and they were trying to track his sorry ass down.


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