inactive for 5 months...confused!

by babyboo 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Hi BB,

    I'm a JW elder, but to be honest have no experience with what it appears that you have had to go through.
    You'll get little encouragement to keep going to the KH here, but you will get a lot of support and affection.
    If you've got questions, ask away, as there is a wealth of experience here.
    I'd like to add my sympathy to that of the others, for your predicament. You're going through it, lassy, and need as much support as you can get. (I really hope that doesn't come over as condescending, because I really am gutted for you - no-one should have to face any of that).


  • RipVanWinkle


    Tried to post this last night but the board didn't respond.

    I can feel your pain that you have lived with for the past decade. I too have had a difficult time with more than my share of heartbreak. I have been a witness for the past 60 years and have seen a lot of changes in the org. Some good and some dreadful. I have no power to change the injustices I have suffered, and those who have power to do good are unwilling to do so. That being said, the question is: So what do I do about what I believe?

    I find some guidance for myself in the writing of the Apostle Paul to Timothy in 2 Tim. 3: 1--Paul was writing about dangerous times in the last days. He did not specify that it would only be difficult and stressful for the world, but for Christians as well and he tried to prepare Timothy for this. Note his language.

    "You may be quite sure that in the last days there are going to be some difficult times.. . . (vs. 5) They will keep up the outward appearance of religion but will have rejected the inner power of it. Have nothing to do with people like that. (vs. 10) You know, though, what I have taught, how I have lived, what I have aimed at; you know my faith, my paitience and my love; my constancy and the persecutions and harships that came to me in places like Antioch, Iconium and Lystra - all the persecutions I have endured; and the Lord has rescued my from every one of them. You are well aware, then that anybody who tries to live in devotion to Christ is certain to be attacked; while these wicked imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and deceived themselves."

    I think, BB that it is interesting to note that Paul says that imposters not only deceive others but are themselves deceived. Paul says to follow not those who have a facade of religion but to look to the example of those who have been faithful. He then goes on in vs. 14 to say. "You must keep to what you have been taught and know to be true; remember who your teachers were, and how, ever since you were a child, you have known the holy scriptures - from these you can learn the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired b y God and can profitably be used for teaching, for refuting error, for guiding people's lives and teaching them to be holy. This is how the man who is dedicated to God beomes fully equipped and ready for any good work."

    So for those of us who accept the Bible as God's word we must realize that our destiny is not dependent upon what someone else says or does. Those who are hypocrites etc are judged by the Great Judge of all. But this does not excuse us INDIVIDUALLY from making a thorough study of the Bible and working to live by those standards. Going to the KH can often give us encouragment to research the Bible. The Theocratic School with the study materials can be a real source of inspiration. However, I have come to realize that those who sit around me may or may not fit into the Christian pattern. But that is not my problem. I can only control my course.

    This has been the case since the inception of Christianity. Check out Jude vs 3 where Jude says, "My friends, I was full engaged in writing to you about our salvation - which is yours no less than ours- when it became urgently necessary to write at once and appeal to you to join the struggle in defence of the faith, the faith which God entrusted to his people once and for all. It is in danger from certain persons who have wormed their way in, the very men whom scripture long ago marked down for the doom they incurred. They are the enemies of religion; they pervert the free favour of our God into licentiousness, disowning Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord."

    He goes on to tell of people who were on the right path and lost their balance. A person may claim to follow the Christ, ( may have "wormed" their way into the congregation) but their lives and conduct tell the story. God will give us strength to overcome all our difficulties if we throw our burdens on Him and keep our eyes focused - not on people - but on our goals.

    I appreciated your attitude and these are just a few of my thoughts.


  • NameWithheld

    babyboo: I'll just echo the comments above. You have suffered a great deal, and the fact is that religion has nothing to do with it.(edit: thinking about it, maybe it would be more fair to say "has little to do with it") The fact that your parents/step-brother sound like horrible people does have everything to do with it. Yes there are good people who are JWs. And there are some very bad people who are JWs. The same is true of all other religions (and of people not in religions).

    It is hard to divorce your feelings from the JW religion - trust me I know. I was raised in it too. And steping back from it is very difficult at first. But what you need right now is NOT help from JWs, you need professional counselling and help. JWs are NOT trained to deal with the things you have gone through.

    You are in an emotional place right now where you should not be adding to your burdens by dealing with a cult like religion. You own it to yourself to step away and deal with yourself for while. Later in life when you are better equiped to handling it, and are still drawn to the JW religion, do some frank investigation of the religion, but PLEASE do so by you OWN reseach - don't rely on the JWs to 'study' with you. You need to see both sides to the picture.

    Also, please visit ...

    It might help you a great deal to learn that you are BY NO MEANS alone in your plight. Sadly many others are going through the same things.

  • bboyneko
    I don't like telling people that b/c they start thinking alot of JW's are bad-which isn't true.

    Unfortunatley, you will soon realize there are many many people like you who have been sexually abused by JW's...the JW religion is structured in such a way that pedophiles et sheltered from the law. You aren't alone, and like many have suggested, visit and read how many others have suffered like you. DATELINE will be airing a program soon dealing with this issue.

    i left also at your age, i was homeless for a while but eventually got my ass into college through FAFSA loans and federal grants, got a good job and now I have my own apartment and two kitty cats, a hamster anfd fishies and a nice computer. Im a happy athiest who sometimes lapses into squirrel worshiping :)

    You will have many phases of cult withdrawl..your first feelings are to go to the kingdom halls most likeley because of guilt and combat fear and guilt you need to educate yourself about the JW's and see that they are not 'the truth' but a destructive controlling cult. Then you will likley either examine the bible with new eyes, or find another religion, or join another cult. Unfortunatley, many rebound cult leavers, or former cult members just join another cult, wether its amway, mary kay, mormons or international church of christ. Before you even consider another religion i suggest you study the bible critically and decide for yourself what is truth. After examining the bible critically myself, my personal descision is that it is just a book wirtten by ignorant men. That dosent mean theres nbo mystery left in the universe. I've been delving into psychic stuff also for fun and took up breakdancing. It's fun breaking the laws of physics :)

    Please be careful because your very fragile right now, take care of your freedom and dont let anyone take it from yaz.\


  • ozziepost


    Welcome to this usually happy and supportive place. We're glad to know ya.

    I guess you must be feeling that you're finding more interest in you as a person as well as support here than at your Kingdom Hall. Many others have found the same.

    The problem that many JDubs have is that they are looking for an organisation, so they reason this way: If this isn't the Truth, then it's not anywhere. However a little spoken aspect of Christianity within the WT organisation is this: Christianity is a relationship, not a membership. A Christian has a personal relationship with his heqavenly Father. I guess you were never encouraged to think a great deal that way because, for the Great Crowd, Jesus is not their Mediator (according to the WTS). Nevertheless that is what being a Christian means.

    So in growing up 'in the Truth' we get a distorted view of the Gospel message.

    Please, please do not imagine that because you have been betrayed by the WT organisation, that somehow God is to blame. From what I have read and experienced I cannot imagine that Jehovah was ever using the WT organisation as His special possession. You understand that, don't you?

    My advice is to take some time reading publications that will help you see clearly that you were misled. Try the Freeminds website for more information (

    Recognise that you are travelling along a road that leads to


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • ozziepost

    G'day Rip,

    I dare say that we've 'heard' these points repeated many times before but maybe not quite so eloquently!

    Nontheless you are repeating mantra-like that "Jehovah will clean it up", "Wait on Jehovah", etc

    JWs don't have an exclusive knowledge and use of the Bible so it can fairly safely be said in response to those quoted by you, "Yes, so..?"

    I note that you have been a Witness for some 60 years. Now that's someone even older than me! I was a very loyal Dub for around 45 years and an elder for around 35 years of that time. I, too, saw changes. I could have continued to accept change but what of the "dreadful" part, to use your words? Doesn't that tell you something? Jesus is recorded as saying to his close followers "I will be with you until the end of the age" or words to that effect. Don't the "dreadful" aspects of the organisation demonstrate that Jesus is NOT with these ones who call themselves his special people?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Introspection


    I just want to quickly mention that while there's certainly no shortage of people who are knowledgeable about the bible and discussion of doctrines and such, the thing I enjoy about this board is that there are a lot of basically good hearted people. The thing that comes to mind here is the scripture that says by their fruits you will know them. Anyways, hope to see you around.


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