Please point out the error in this statement

by ThomasCovenant 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThomasCovenant


    My parents worship a god that they believe is going to kill me and their grandchildren.

    Thomas Covenant

  • monkeyshine

    Everything but hello.

  • brutusmaximus

    Replace god for cult and you are nearly there

    It amazes me this one as you would think if we are not going to be here for much longer they would want to spend more time with us before we pop our clogs but instead you get told "we have to limit the time we can spend with you"

    Rulz are rulz I guess


  • ellderwho

    They (your parents) worship an organization. As far as Jehovah is concerned, they do not honor the Son, so how can they honor the Father?

  • katiekitten

    Welcome TC.

    My parents worship a god that they believe is going to kill me and their grandchildren.

    Well thats just not very neighbourly is it. Maybe they secretly dont like you (plus it saves them having to worry about writing a will).

  • Swamboozled

    My parents worship a god that they believe is going to kill me and their grandchildren.

    We should get T-shirts made. None of our family wants to get to know our new baby because they believe she is going to die in armageddon....and soooooooooooooon!!!!! I feel sad for them.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    On the final day of Judgement Baby Jesus is going to come down to earth from his space ship and anyone who didn't follow what the brothers told you to do, he will destroy you with a lazer beams from his left eye. And from what I can see from the Watchhorror pictures he will kill little cats and dogs and destroy your Buick too.

  • jstalin
    he will kill little cats and dogs and destroy your Buick too.

    Don't forget to mention that he will destroy buildings with a gigantic disembodied hand too....

  • katiekitten
    he will kill little cats and dogs and destroy your Buick too.


    he wont let you drive, and he will make you grow vegetables and go to Sunday meetings for the REST OF YOUR LIFE - if you live...

  • james_woods

    he wont let you drive, and he will make you grow vegetables and go to Sunday meetings for the REST OF YOUR LIFE - if you live...

    but, so would have Al Gore...

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