Welcome to sasha

by tall penguin 12 Replies latest members private

  • Sasha

    Thanks for all the advice. Actually, I did call my 83 year old "friend" today and told here I would have to sop studying for a while. I am a very nervous person, and the pressure of working on all these study's, etc. has become too much for me. As for the reply, that perhaps this is God's way of steering me away from the JW...I pray each night that I will know this could be true or not. Very hard for me. Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. Actually, now that I made the phone call, I DO expect the "sisters" or even the "brothers" to come after me. I'll just have to deal with that when it comes. Much Love Sasha

  • jgnat

    Welcome, sasha. I hope you find this a safe place to express your feelings and explore your beliefs. There's no obligation to remain. You can come and go here as you please.

    Are you under a doctor's care for your nervous disorders?

    Do you want tips on how to slow down your 86 year old study leader?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I DO expect the "sisters" or even the "brothers" to come after me

    Read 1 Cor. 13. In light of that, do you think that true followers of this teaching would ever "come after" you?

    Listen to your heart. You know.

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