Our American Flag

by Vienna 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vienna

    Doesn't it feel good to not be a JW at this point in history? Through the fear of the last few days, I do have comfort from scripture about my eternal salvation through Jesus (as a Witness you never felt secure with God--don't miss a meeting or field service for long or you're out), but also because my husband and I CAN DISPLAY OUR AMERICAN FLAG ON OUR CARS AND IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE TO SUPPORT OUR COUNTRY!

    As Americans, we will not stand for terrorism and I'm proud to be in this country. We couldn't do any of this as a Witnesses or feel this way, because you are not "allowed" to.

    What true freedom we have now, and as a country it's obvious we have been blessed and through this with prayer, we are pulling together as a country.

    I am proud to be an American.

  • FrightMare

    Would you please be realistic? You're a patriot manque. Raising your flag isn't going to stop terrorists from making more attacks. Raising your flag isn't going to bring people back to life. Raising your flag isn't going to do shit except get dusty. Excuse my veracity, but if life was about raising a piece of cloth on a pole to make me feel better, then screw life.

    Your acuity is obviously very shallow. Do you realize that you are not supporting your country in any way shape or form just by saying that you support your country? What a fool. Quit your jibber jabber.

  • lydia

    I agree with you..the freedom to react the way we feel we should..whether its by showing the flag or paitriotism..is something that is not allowed in the BORG...and you are totaly right with the constant batter to try to continually reach for more and attend this or you're not a "GOOD DUB". I too am so glad I am not being held by that "Standard" andy more!!
    Raise Your Flags High.. We shall Overcome this!!

  • borgfree


    Many of us X-JWs feel the same way. Don't let mind controlled people discourage you.


    Showing the American flag demonstrates to the world, and especially to the enemies of our country, that we stand together in unity as Americans. If you are really a JW the only unity you know is mind control.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • JeffT

    Mine is flying, and I'm trying to get one for the car. Stores are selling out. Flying my flag demonstrates that I am proud to be part of something bigger than myself. It also shows the chickenshits that did this that free people can't be stomped down that easily.

  • FrightMare

    It don't signify shit. All the arabs in the world could raise their flags up high, no one would give a shit. You're living in a fantasy world just like the jw's.

  • rodnico

    I am so happy I am not a witness at this point in history. To be able to express myself anyway I want or the way I feel, without the fear that I have been "patriotic" in my comments. I wear a flag T-shirt (which I bought when I left the org.) and participate in the moments of silence. The flag represents what we are. It represents our pride. The physical representation of what we were denied to feel for so many years. I am patriotic, I love this country, and I will fight for my freedom. The JW rhetoric is true a flag will not bring people back from the dead or right the wrongs, but our flag, my flag stirs in me the pride to make a difference. It is this feeling of pride in country that WILL change world events. I will be there to wave my flag, and see the world events change for the better.


  • WildHorses

    I hope this worked. God Bless us all.

  • borgfree


    I agree, just hanging the flag does not in itself prove anything, unless it is backed up with resolve and actions. Stay tuned!


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly


    People like you deserve to thrown out of America.
    I know people who just became citizens who would
    kick you ass for such a stupid statement.

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