Do you regret obeying the rules?

by ButtLight 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ButtLight

    I was talking to my sister tonight. The elders made a threat to her that if she didnt tell the truth whether my mom was smoking or not, they would df her. So she turned her in!

    My Jw Brother got married a few years back. I was inactive, and invited. Our own mother could not even attend the wedding, cause she was df'd, and it was a backyard wedding!

    I almost didnt attend, because of that. But I did out of respect for my Brother. Now? I wish I had stood up and said "Are you kidding? Your not inviting your own mother? Then I dont want anything to do with it!" He had this choice, according to our lovely local elders. He could invite her, but he would have to inform everyone he sent an invitation to that she would be there, or not invite her. He chose the first option.

    Sick in my book!

  • looking_glass

    Butt - That does suck. But why bet yourself up over it. It is what it is. Whose to say if you did the opposite, you would not be regretting that. Really it was your brother's choice, not yours. It was his choice to exclude his mother. Does he ever say he regrets doing that?

    As for your question ... no I don't regret anything I ever do. To me it is always a learning experience and I move on from there.

  • whyamihere

    To have regrets is apart of life, JW or non JW related.

    JW related:

    Listening to my Mother, doing anything and everything she asked of me - simply to be loved by her, as she did my sister.

    Taking longer to stand up to the Elders that bashed my father repetitively.

    Non JW related:

    To not have listened my mother, I am worth something. Still trying to grasp some self-esteem.

    To have said No in driving a guy home.

    Growing up way too fast.


    We all have regrets, just think now you know if something like that ever comes up, you'll know what to say and do.

  • JH
    Do you regret obeying the rules?

    Well, at first I obeyed the rules because I was blind and I believed that they came from Jehovah.

    It's later on, that we realize that we were in a controling cult.

    Afterwards I didn't obey all the rules and I'm glad. I talked to my df'd uncle although the elders told me not to. In their elder book, it's written that I can talk to my df'd uncle, so why were they telling me to do this?

  • JH
    The elders made a threat to her that if she didnt tell the truth whether my mom was smoking or not, they would df her. So she turned her in!

    I guess that the elders can be very intimidating, to make you turn in your mom.

    Gee, I'm so glad I had no family in the troof. That's a hold they didn't have on me....

  • headmath

    I can't stand pompous preachers and officials alike that say "AND BY THE POWER INVESTED IN ME" holy crap batman what self rightous twaddle is that?. Especially the JW elders who say those same words at the kingdom hall weddings. What rubbish . What arrogance What a bunch of morons.

  • monkeyshine

    Most of all I regret telling people JW doctrines like I was told when I didn't know the truth or even try to listen to my friends.

    Recently I've talked to some of my friends who knew me when I was in the JW's and they ALL tell me "We knew you were crazy we just didn't want to hurt you're feelings."

    Sorry to everyone I preached to and told how to live.

  • mama1119

    I really regret ever going to the elders and letting them disfellowship me. And then I regret ever trying to get reinstated and writing those stupid apology letters to the Judicial Commitee and meeting with them and allowing me to treat them like I did. I know my Ma regrets ever having my brother go to the elders when he was 13 for smoking a few cigs....they were just awful to them. I regret telling on my friends for smoking when I was in high school. I regret ever going into the back room period. I also regret not having spent more holidays with my family and never going to church with my Grandpa before he died.

  • FairMind

    If a rule goes "Beyond What Is Written" or is something "Added To" what is written then I don't believe Jehovah requires you to obey it. So, I don't regret not following man made rules.

  • Connections

    Hello all,

    As you will surely see, I'm just learning. Your've OP seems to suggest that being DF'd is a bad thing. What does "df" mean?



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