Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-30-06 WT Study (REMINDERS FOND)

by blondie 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • imfreeimfree

    Thank you Blondie,

    I've got to say they have a hide telling others not to be deceitful.


  • DanTheMan

    Jehovah provides his people with reminders in order to help them deal with the pressures of these difficult times. Some of these reminders come to the fore during personal Bible reading, while others take the form of information or comments presented at Christian meetings.

    Once again the WTS in effect claims that the information presented at JW meetings comes straight from the throne of the Almighty.

  • Pistoff

    David remained loyal to Jehovah even though Saul continued to act in an unjust way for years. We too should remain faithful to Jehovah and to his organization regardless of injustices we suffer and regardless of what others do .

    Wow; a direct comparison of SAUL and kingship to the current “organization”, injustices and flaws intact.

    Like David, they endured injustices but eventually came off victorious.

    Are they kidding with this?? David was a WARRIOR; to compare

  • jgnat

    *ahem* David did not sit passively by waiting for Saul to run him through with a spear. He took off, and rightly so. He took a whole passel of discontented men with him, and had a meal from a local temple offering. All approved by God.

  • BluesBrother

    p 7"David remained loyal to Jehovah even though Saul continued to act in an unjust way for years. We too should remain faithful to Jehovah and to his organization regardless of injustices we suffer "

    David was "loyal to God", which is one thing. It is another to remain blinkered within an organization that you can see does not teach the truth or act in a godly way. If you stay within it under those circumstances, then you are sinning against God.

    p8"Christians in Mozambique provide a modern-day example of some who loyally stuck to Jehovah in a time of testing. In 1984 their villages were repeatedly raided by armed members of a resistance movement, who robbed, burned houses, and killed. There seemed little that these true Christians could do to defend themselves. The inhabitants of the area were subjected to efforts to recruit them into a militarized movement or to force them to support it in other ways"

    Did they know that The WTS had allowed the Mexican brothers to compromise on their neutrality issue? One law for one and another for the Africans.

    p11"for liars will have no place in an earth swept clean of unrighteousness"

    Ever checked out the accuracy of the quotations in the Creation Book and others?

    p15"Yet, she realized that the man was only trying to add her to the number of women with whom he had had relations.

    I suppose it is "strategy" to depict any non witness male as being a predator and not to be trusted. The same as Governments at a time of war depict the opposition as sub human .. But I thought that we were discussing "Truth", not propaganda. I bet that there will be a 'sister' somewhere that will reject a decent man based on this advice. Maybe she will regret it?

  • hamsterbait

    I wish I had a garden too, Blondie!

    I live in an apartment - North Facing, so I don't even get the sun.

    Fresh cucumbers and beans!!!

    Again you ask "where is Jesus"? I went today for the first time in almost five weeks. (elders IGNORED me totally as always)

    Apart from the "rub - a - dub- dub" at the end of the prayers, Jesus was mentioned ONCE in the talk in the phrase "Jehovah's Kingdom by Christ Jesus". "Christian" was the only hint of him in the study (I think).

    If Judah did not die for having sex with Tamar for the reasons shown, and Lot did not die for having sex with his daughters for the same reason, why did all the children and women (as well as all the men ) in Sodom and Gomorrah die? Maybe because they were not an antitype of some part of the contemporary happifying chariot-like organization, printing its camel-like christian publications!

    Loved it as always.


  • SirNose586

    Sister EmbarrassingComment struck again today. She implied that Mrs. Potiphar was quite the sinner, because she not only made advances on a "minor" (LOL ), but she committed attempted rape! Not only did the sister make some pretty silly statements, but she decided to hog the mic for at least a minute so even the conductor was trying to cut her off.

    Also, Mrs. Potiphar was apparently unhappy with her husband, and wanted a really young boy, so naturally she lusted after Joseph. It seems that nobody watches Desparate (Egyptian) Housewives....

  • blondie

    Hi fullofdoubtnow,

    I wouldn't mind comparing their example with the Mexican jws who were allowed to bribe their way out of army service

    I remember the first time I heard that from a non-JW when I was still a believing JW. Since I couldn’t confirm it from a JW source, I dismissed it from my mind like a good JW as an apostate lie. When I read Ray Franz’s books for the first time, then I saw where the info came from and knew that if that person had shown me those books back then, I would have run away as if it were contaminated.

    But it is a good followup point after you have established how the WTS has mislead its members by using their own words.

    Hi, parakeet,

    I had not read a WT since the late 70s. I'm amazed that they still sound exactly the same. Same writing style, same scriptures, same mind-numbing drivel.

    But they lack the punch when Fred Franz was alive. It is just cut and paste now and the WTS is becoming a weak copy of itself.

    Hi heathen, why, is that a favorite topic? The WTS doesn’t give Jesus any more press than they have to.

    They forgot to mention that jesus was the onlyperfect person in the bible.

    Exactly my thought, HadEnuf,

    for liars will have no place in an earth swept clean of unrighteousness

    Oh look...there won't be many elders, MS's, CO's, DO's, Governing Body members and many, MANY JW's on that new earth.

    We know who's on the list.

    Welcome tremoka,

    Although inactive for some time now, it is only recently that I've really been challenging the WTS. It's stressfull!

    I understand…I had to become inactive a second time to finally get it right. I knew the second time that the WTS did not have "the truth." Change even when it is good is stressful. Did you know there is good stress and bad stress? There have been people who have made it their life’s work to study it.

    Hi Inquisitor,

    I especially liked your repartee for the Joseph-Potiphar's wife moral lesson with the account of Judah's solicitation.

    It’s amazing what a little private Bible reading and reflection will help you see. It made me do quite a bit of research about women in the Bible and their status as property. This also ties in with why the OT says that if a married or engaged woman is raped why the man is put to death but if the woman is a virgin/single, he just has to pay a fine to father and has to marry her rapist.

    Hi yesidid,

    Don’t you wonder sometimes how they can write this stuff with a straight face. They are either telling a deliberate lie or need to research better. That statement about consistently teaching Jesus’ presence was in 1914 came out in 1993, the same year the Proclaimers book came out with that info.

    What you mentioned about the years the Society has claiming they had been "expecting" Jesus to return in 1914, when of course they were believing and teaching 'till at least 1929 that he had "arrived" in 1874.
    Can we say a distortion in an attempt to make people think well of them?
    Paragraph 11 from today's Watchtower study:
    11) "If we are ever tempted to distort the truth in an attempt to make people think well of us, may the story of Ananias and Sapphira stand as a sober reminder. We might be able to deceive fellow humans, but we cannot fool Jehovah. (Hebrews 4:13) Time and again the Scriptures exhort us to be honest with one another, for liars will have no place in an earth swept clean of unrighteousness. (Proverbs 14:2; Revelation :21:8; 22:15) The reason for that should be clear. The promoter of all untruth is none other than Satan the Devil. John 8:44".

    Welcome, imfreeimfree,

    Keep reading on JWD and other sites that expose the WTS lies. They are so shocking that believing JWs think they must be lies.

    Very good point, Dantheman

    Jehovah provides his people with reminders in order to help them deal with the pressures of these difficult times. Some of these reminders come to the fore during personal Bible reading, while others take the form of information or comments presented at Christian meetings.

    Once again the WTS in effect claims that the information presented at JW meetings comes straight from the throne of the Almighty.

    Jehovah = WTS/FDS/GB

    Jesus = WTS/FDS/GB

    I always wondered how God told them these things. I was told from reading the Bible and praying for holy spirit. I wondered privately, I can do those things too; and although the WTS has said that the anointed don’t have any more HS than the great crowd; some how they know things we can’t.

    Hi, pistoff,

    That was the first thing I thought when I first read through this article.

    Wow; a direct comparison of SAUL and kingship to the current "organization", injustices and flaws intact.

    It is what my professor called an incomplete analogy.


    , are you saying we shouldn’t sit there and let the WTS put a spear through us?
    David did not sit passively by waiting for Saul to run him through with a spear. He took off, and rightly so.

    Thanks Bluesbrother, excellent point.

    If you stay within it under those circumstances, then you are sinning against God.

    My condolences, HB, have you ever wondered why when most JWs are asked what religion they are they say, "Jehovah’s Witness." Not even Jehovah’s Christian Witness, let alone, "I’m a Christian." They’re afraid they might be confused with all those "so-called" fake Christians.

    Apart from the "rub - a - dub- dub" at the end of the prayers, Jesus was mentioned ONCE in the talk in the phrase "Jehovah's Kingdom by Christ Jesus". "Christian" was the only hint of him in the study (I think).

    Amazing, SirNose,

    While Joseph was 17 when he was sold as a slave, how does she know he was still 17 when he was in Potiphar’s household? Some time could have passed. BTW, the laws of today regarding the age of minors did not apply back then.

    Evidently, he wasn’t considered a minor, even the WTS says:


    w03 3/15 p. 12 Should My Child Go to School? ***
    Apparently because of good parental training, Jacob’s son Joseph was capable of oversight at a young age.

    Good comments everyone, Blondie

  • V
    Blondie: the WTS is becoming a weak copy of itself.

    Very well put!

  • SirNose586

    While Joseph was 17 when he was sold as a slave, how does she know he was still 17 when he was in Potiphar’s household? Some time could have passed. BTW, the laws of today regarding the age of minors did not apply back then.

    Evidently, he wasn’t considered a minor, even the WTS says:

    *** w03 3/15 p. 12 Should My Child Go to School? ***
    Apparently because of good parental training, Jacob’s son Joseph was capable of oversight at a young age.

    Exactly! Right when she said that I thought, "Wow, how could she apply an American law to an ancient Egyp--"

    I had to stop myself right there. There's no logic involved in what she just said. It was just a strange comment from a mis-informed sister. I really wanted to go back there and point out the error of her ways, maybe talk about age of consent in other countries. But then I thought, "Don't waste your time. She doesn't know what she's talking about, and there's no point in trying to correct someone's ignorance on historical facts because GOD FORBID you try and share some education with other people. Don't want to stumble anyone, right?"

    Correcting ignorance is a two-way street. I appreciate being corrected. True, it makes you feel embarrassed, but in the end, you don't have to sound like an idiot the next time you spout some facts. It just really bugs me to see ignorant comments praised, while when I bring up something beyond the paragraph--something involving research outside of a publication--no one gives a crap.

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