Sign of the Last Days--Jonsson...

by Confession 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    There is a fellow in the entertainment industry who, I think, is a kind of a freaky sign a way...I mean, the guy seems to have a resurrection body...

    Didn't seem that random to me, first thing I thought of was...
    Larry King.

    Not to take this post in the wrong direction of course. Those are some great quotes. It's amazing to see how some many people come to the same failed reasoning over and over and over. It has been done before and it will be done again.

  • myelaine


    confession: add me to the list of people that see signs...

    drew: I like Larry King...but I would feel really ripped off if THAT was a resurrection

    I think I should back away from this thread. What do you think?

    love michelle

  • Leolaia

    Confession....Those are great quotes and they prove how the "features of the composite sign" can apply to almost any generation. The Sign of the Last Days book is also awesome for exploding many Watchtower claims. I wish it could be updated like the Gentile Times book, for it is just as important ... perhaps even more so since 1995.

    I'm gonna think michelle is talking about Criss Angel? That guy can walk through walls, disappear, appear out of nowhere, etc. Totally like a resurrection body, dude! Plus he's like super satanic and super cute.

  • Leolaia

    There is a fellow in the entertainment industry who, I think, is a kind of a freaky sign a way...I mean, the guy seems to have a resurrection body...

    Aha.... Mindfreak!!!!

  • Ade

    if everyone else is having a go heres my comment Banana

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