by DannyHaszard 3 Replies latest social current

  • DannyHaszard

    Watchtower bastards your getting the bad press that you deserve The biggest cult in the world embeded here Cayman Net News, Cayman Islands - 11 minutes ago
    I was associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses for 47 years and during that time I knew everything because they knew it all. All ... Look at the past false prophesies
    Cayman Net News, Cayman Islands - 12 minutes ago
    To Kristie (Online Forum Postings): As a Jehovah's Witness you may well be right, but just because other religions see Jesus' earthly status differently does ... Gazzette' Barber Shop closing East Hartford Gazette, CT - 3 hours ago add your comments
    ... He doesn't want that part of his life in the story, but it was over his wife's decision to join Jehovah's Witnesses. It infuriated ... Gino married a girl from Agrigento, his hometown. The couple had four children; today he has 9 grandchildren, and is divorced. He doesn't want that part of his life in the story, but it was over his wife's decision to join Jehovah's Witnesses. It infuriated him so that one day Gino stormed right into her church during services and berated his wife and her religion in front of the entire Jehovah's Witnesses congregation. That was a mistake, a big mistake he later would realize. A restraining order followed when he tried to kick the Jehovah's Witnesses out of his house.

  • DannyHaszard

    Oops try again

    'Gazzette' Barber Shop closing add your comment
    East Hartford Gazette, CT - 3 hours ago
    ... He doesn't want that part of his life in the story, but it was over his wife's decision to join Jehovah's Witnesses. It infuriated ...

  • DannyHaszard

    Hey check this out was this an 'apostasy' in Africa?First i've heard of it. Running on empty down to the poll booths
    Index on Censorship, UK - 52 minutes ago
    ... Katanga, for example, is now home to the Kitawala, a variant of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that came from Zambia; prayer groups have sprung up in large numbers .. Whilst the Catholics, Kimbangists and Protestants have set up major support networks, which long ago replaced non-existent international aid or the bankrupt state, the so-called églises de réveil – the revivalist churches – have also become established on a huge scale. Katanga, for example, is now home to the Kitawala, a variant of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that came from Zambia; prayer groups have sprung up in large numbers throughout the country. interesting keyword serach Religion in Zaire - Kitawala

    Religion in the Zaire (Congo): Kitawala. ... A much more radical product of the synthesis of African and Christian elements is the Kitawala movement, ... world/KZ/bl_ZaireACKitawala.htm - 37k

    Religion in Zaire

    Kitawala A much more radical product of the synthesis of African and Christian elements is the Kitawala movement, which appeared in Katanga Province (now Shaba Region) during the 1920s. Born of the black American missionary activity in South Africa of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), the movement converted miners who then spread the movement northward from their South African base into the Katangan copper belt Watch Tower missionaries preached racial equality, equal pay for equal work, the imminent arrival of God's kingdom, and the impending struggle for the restitution of Africa to Africans. Although anticolonial in ideology, the movement had no concrete strategy of revolution, which, however, did not prevent the state from cracking down on it. As with Kimbanguism, the state attempted to repress Kitawala by relegating its members to isolated rural regions. Ironically, this strategy once again simply served to speed the spread of the movement as exiled adherents converted their rural neighbors Over time the movement became more Africanized and more radical, slowly transforming itself from a branch of the worldwide Watch Tower Church into what has been termed a form of peasant political consciousness. Theological messages varied from place to place, but a common core of beliefs included the struggle against sorcery, the purification of society, and the existence of a black God. Kitawala denounced all forms of authority as the work of Satan, including taxes, forced labor, and most other coercive elements of colonial rule. The movement's anticolonial message was so strong that the worldwide Watch Tower movement formally renounced it Colonial bannings failed to eradicate the movement, however. And the independent state that succeeded colonial authority, black African though it be, has been no more successful in converting the Kitawalists from their apolitical, antiauthoritarian stance. Kitawalists continue to resist saluting the flag, participating in party-mandated public works (Salongo), and paying taxes. At times they have resisted state pressure violently, as in Shaba in 1979 when the appearance of army units in their midst provoked an attack by Kitawalists on the state's administrative offices and the killing of two soldiers. The state retaliated with a vicious repression. More frequently, Kitawalists withdraw when state pressure becomes excessive. Entire communities have moved into deep forest in areas such as …quateur Region in order to escape any contact with civil authorities So the meddling New york city Watchtower corporation starts trouble in Africa

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Watchtower bastards your getting the bad press that you deserve

    Right on Danny, let's hope they get a lot more of it.

    Good find, thanks for sharing it.

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