Elders/MS, what would you do?

by Sacchiel 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • rassillon

    Did some of you actually read the original question? I am a MS and I would explain to them that if they are to believe that they have the truth they should do what research they felt necessary to prove that to themselves. I would tell them to be balanced about the research and not to go looking to prove a particular point, that if they did this the truth of matters would be obvious. I would encourage them to be cautious who they talked to about their research until they were done and absolutly sure of what they have found since they would not want to harm others faith with something they were half cocked on. I would lastly reminde them of the scripture which states "if God is for us who can be against us" and to report back when they were done. -r

  • dozy
    If a witness spoke with you in private about doubts/questions they have about wts doctrine or the like, would you encourage that person to continue investigating?

    Any elder or MS on this board is obviously having doubts themselves , but in my previous incarnation , I would have tried to establish exactly what concerns the individual had. I would have certainly not encouraged them to continue to research and would have warned them that apostates / exwitnesses have nothing tangible to offer , but merely seek to tear down the witnesses faith.

    What if that witness outright declared the organization as a wicked or not directed by God?

    A description of "wicked" would clearly indicate that their attitude would have hardened , and I would have tried to determine why they had come to that conclusion and how strongly they felt about this. I'd would probably have felt duty bound to discuss this viewpoint with other elders and see how they felt."Not directed" - a bit more nebulous.

    I have occasionally had discussions with JWs who were very disillusioned with the religion , usually due to some local event or disagreeement with another brother. Usually this goes away or the person just drifts out (fades , to use the terminology here). It is rare (but undoubtedly increasing , so the internet and boards like this are having some impact) that an individual starts to do "research" (ie read the writings of disaffected ex-witnesses) into JW beliefs.

  • NewYork44M

    The reality there are many elders and ms on this board. Each at a specific stage in the process of decoupling from the borg. I did my fade and posted on pre-JWD boards while still an elder and often wondered who else amongst me was in the same process.

  • Sacchiel

    I've been curious to see if some people are just waiting for others to join in, as not to leave on their own. Would you even admit that you too suspect this organization is not from God? Or that you have been researching it as well? Thanks everyone!

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