Something DIED in me on Tuesday

by Amazing 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I appreciate the words of another poster who commented that he felt it unwise to post in anger. I have tried to hold calm and keep my anger in check, but that started to change with my NATO posting yesterday.

    I am set back over 30 years: I was raised to respect all races, and not to be prejudiced. I was also raised a proud American, and that it was important not to tolerate bullies. When I was young, and a bully pushed me around at school, my mother did not talk to other parents or the school officials, or even the authorities. She told me to stand up and fight back, because that is the only language that bullies respect. But, She also endorsed acting peacefully, and not starting trouble, but find ways to get along until all else will not work. I grew up with little trouble, and took the approach of being fair with people.

    My JW days: As a JW I then set aside pride of country as that was also popular during the 1960s and 1970s. And I toned down my political views to near zero, and distanced my feelings regarding events of tragedy as something that happens to the world. I also continued in the way of peace and grew in being fair with people.

    Now ALL that has changed in one day: When I realized how many people would die on Tuesday, and the shear evil that struck our nation, I then lost something -- something in me changed. For the first time in over 30 years, I cannot even think about the Watchtower or Jehovah's Witnesses. All my growth in fairness, in acceptance and tolerance was shattered. I am not the same Amazing I was on Monday. Instead, I harken back to my parents disdain for the nations they fought in WWII, and the feelings they had because of the tragedy they faced for four years of War.

    Now I understand them: Although my parent influenced my thinking about WWII and the nations we were at war with, I was not alive and aware of the reality. I was born in 1951, and grew up with talk of WWII, but also with a deep sense of patriotism. All the conflicts since that time I heard were such slogans of 'Yankee Go Home,' and the anti-war sentiment during Viet Nam. It was only the Persian Gulf War where I began to have patriotic feelings once again, as my JW views were melting. Now, though, I understand my parents generation and the feelings they had after Japan bombed Pearl harbor. Now I understand their fear, their anger, and even some of their hatred.

    As of Tuesday, I became another person: Words still fail me at what has happened. In the bombing of Pearl harbor 2,400 lives were lost. When the rubble is cleared in New York, the count could be around 25,000 or far more. Some people were likely vaporized into dust, so it will take time to assess the death toll. This is too much to bear and not change.

    What do I feel now?: At age 50 I stand and look at the continuous scenes in New York, the repeated videos of the planes being deliberately crashed into the WTC, and the stories of horror. I see the whole economy and functioning of the USA ground to a halt. I see the faces of denial by Islamic leaders, and find I can't believe them. I see the faces of the men who trained to fly in Florida and who were on the planes that were hijacked, and I feel ill, and a sense deep bitterness. Their faces are the faces of wicked criminals, religious fanatics, and of a new time in history where we are set back many decades into the shadows of distrust and suspecion of another race. I feel things I never dreamed possible in my own heart. And no JW religious-psychobable is there to desensitize me heart. I am aching deeply.

    At this point: I never want to see the Middle East. I want the turbin-headed people of those nations to keep their damn oil and let it rot in the ground. If I have to pay $25 a gallon I will be only too happy to see them not make a dime. I have no problem if the USA has to enact some wartime measures and restrict anyone from those nations from entering the USA, or to deport any non-USA Arabs who are here visiting out of our nation. But, I somehow still hope that USA Arabs will not be treated as the Japanese-Americans were during WWII. I hope we learned from that serious mistake.

    WAR?: Yes. Whatever it takes. Time for talk and negotiation ended in my opinion. The time for peace died. The time for working things out is over. The time for action to get the ones responsible and their host nations is here and now. No more excuses. No more whining about being 'above it all on the high road.' No, it is time to fight dirty, kick below the belt and destory the enemy until they are gone. Give them a does of their own medicine.

    Do I like what I feel?: No. But I feel it nonetheless - for this is what I became on Tuesday, 9/11. I may need to stop posting for a while if I am unable to get my mind back on JW issues. For this board is about that issue. On the other hand, this issue transcends our local and personal concerns, and this forum vehicle is one place where I can connect with those who are most like me in their foundations, and who can refine my views as I may thiers. Perhaps it is I that needs you more now than ever before, and I need you more than I am able to give back to you in return.

    Thanks for listening. - Amazing

  • bboyneko

    nuke 'em!

    oh $#%#^@


    .. (booklet about how to survive a nuclear attack complete with pretty pictures)

  • kilroy

    Amazing, you have said what I have been thinking and feeling.

    I think there is more. All those passengers on those hijacked planes had no idea they were going to die when they boarded. None of those people in the WTC knew they could die in a few hours or minutes. They were all innocent victims.

    We all saw the dancing in the streets and huge smiles and laughter in Afganastan when they heard the news. Innocent? Hardly. Certainly not in their hearts, if in their actions. I agree with the poster on another thread who suggested in turning that country into a glass parking lot. They all know whose side they are on and are gleeful when the US is attacked. They hate us with an unfathamable hate.

    If they are not nuked this will continue. They are not attacking military operations, but sites where the most innocent citizins will likely be. So they have innocent citizins. So be it. Nuke them and take the flack. Kilroy

  • safe4kids


    I am finding it difficult to put my feelings into words; you state yours so well and they echo mine. Tuesday was my birthday; I woke up looking forward to the freedom of celebrating that day with my children and friends; I ended the day changed in a way that I will never forget. We did celebrate the day in a very subdued manner-and my thanks to my online friends who remembered me that day-but of course it was overshadowed by the terrible events that occurred.

    One thing that I am very concerned about and that is the emotional, unreasonable backlash against muslems that has been occuring around the world. I heard that the media footage of the Palestinians celebrating actually only represented about 200 people. Remember that there are individuals who do NOT condone the terrorist acts that took place. There are many who abhor those acts as much as America and our allies do.

    I, like Amazing, am grateful for this forum where I can express my feelings of shock and disbelief at these events. If I am not making much sense, please forgive me. I'm not at my best.

  • Amazing

    Thanks Dana: Yes, I agree that Muslims and Arabs around the world are with us, and do not condone this evil act. there are, however, many in those areas that hate the west, the USA, Britain, Canada, and other nations because of our race and beliefs. This is going to be a new test of resolve to do what is right, and not repeat the mistakes we made against Japanese Americans during WWII. There will undoubtedly be unfair and wrong treatment anyway. Yet, we can never back down in the face of their new enemy. We are wise to work with other nations to bring down the house of terror. - Amazing

  • logical


    dont be such a fool.

    1- is he really behind it?
    2- any use of nukes will mean certain death for us all
    3- evil begets evil

    he should he locked up in maximum security whilst awaiting a proper trial and sentencing if he is guilty.

  • fodeja
    If they are not nuked this will continue. They are not attacking military operations, but sites where the most innocent citizins will likely be. So they have innocent citizins. So be it. Nuke them and take the flack.

    See my answer in the Adult forum, unless you are one of those pacifist pussies who can't take a little violence. You know, those bleeding-hearts dreamers who still don't understand that we must respond with full force to end all this horrible violence.


    edited (pictures removed to new thread in "adult" section)

  • GinnyTosken


    I understand your need to express your anger. Anger is a part of grief. Angry feelings are not bad. You cannot control the feeling of anger but you can control what you choose to do when you are angry.

    I urge that everyone be careful and not fall prey to the Us vs. Them thinking that causes terrorism in the first place:

    "We are innocent.
    They are guilty.

    We tell the truth--inform.
    They lie--use propaganda.

    We only defend ourselves.
    They are aggressors.

    We have a defense department.
    They have a war department.

    Our missiles and weapons are designed to deter.
    Their weapons are designed for a first strike.

    The most terrible of all the moral paradoxes, the Gordian knot that must be unraveled if history is to continue, is that we create evil out of our highest ideals and most noble aspirations. We so need to be heroic, to be on the side of God, to eliminate evil, to clean up the world, to be victorious over death, that we visit destruction and death on all who stand in the way of our heroic historical destiny. We scapegoat and create absolute enemies, not because we are intrinsically cruel, but because focusing our anger on an outside target, striking at strangers, brings our tribe or nation together and allows us to be part of a close and loving in-group. We create surplus evil because we need to belong. . . .

    If we desire peace, each of us must begin to demythologize the enemy; . . ."

    from "The Enemy Maker" by Sam Keen, an essay in Meeting the Shadow

    Consider, too, these words from an article in today's New York Times (bolding mine):

    Moreover, air strikes by cruise missiles or manned aircraft would not destroy the religious fanaticism that fuels many terrorist groups and could create martyrs, military and counterterrorism experts said.

    "Air power is not well suited to respond to this kind of threat," said Gen. Merrill McPeak, the Air Force chief of staff during the Persian Gulf war. "You have to ask, `What's the endgame?' You want to come out with a safer, more secure environment, and it's not clear that a massive air attack, unleashing the dogs of hell, will result in an aftermath that's more secure."



  • fodeja
    from "The Enemy Maker" by Sam Keen, an essay in Meeting the Shadow

    Ginny, just a minute ago, I took exactly this book from my shelf. The concept of the "shadow" seemed to be so very appropriate in the current situation.

    Thanks for an excellent response. I'd like to take the opportunity to say that I've enjoyed all of your postings that I've read so far, very much.


  • Abaddon

    kilroy; Let's kill lots of people, THAT'S what'll make us feel better.

    They weren't worried about the individual resposibility of the individuals they killed, so why should we?

    Hell, if god can take out the sins of the fathers on the children, why can't we?

    Of course, there is a bit of illogicity in punishing the inhabitants of a non-democratic government for anything their government may have done, especially when that government is totalitarian and oppressive.

    But who cares? We've paid all these BILLIONS of dollars for these weapons of mass destruction, let's use them - it's not a question of punishing the guilty, it's a question of stomping around in the blood of babies until we feel better.

    Yes, obviously that makes us just like them, but I'm so stupid I can't think right now, oh, sorry, I meant angry.

    They're the STUPID ones, for picking on Uncle Sam. Boy, will they suffer. When we find out who did it. Until then, just anyone joining in our suffering is a GOOD thing. We don't want America to corner the market in heart-ache and dispair!

    We want to share.

    So, if you are coffee coloured and call god 'Allah', have a beard, probably a turban, and your wife wears a tent (and she's quite okay with you having up to three other wives), and have grown up in a close control society with a lack of education, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

    We don't care if it's not your fault, we're gonna kill you anyway.

    A fool and reason are seldom joined and easily parted. Despair and anger should never make us do what we would condemn if it were done to us.

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