Why did people Jump?

by bboyneko 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frank Hall
    Frank Hall

    If I were an apostate like many of you, I would jump too.

    That way my head can collapse into my ass like so many of you all already are.

  • joelbear

    I think its time to ban FredFrank.

    He's crossed the line.

  • NameWithheld
    They jumped because they were attacked by apostates. Apostates are terrorists

    Terrorists, you know, Cowardly people who picket at assemblies with bags on their heads.

    You mean the same terrorist who will shortly rain fire from heavan and kill 6 1/2 BILLION humans?

  • Abaddon

    Why bother banning the shit? It would only convince him of his self-importance.

    But in answer, burn or jump is an easy choice that I hope I never have to make...

  • dubla
    i am glad that in view of such a tragic even you had
    time to jab at the WTS.

    am i the only one who's noticed a pattern with mr. nytel here? he's been jumping from post to post, and reprimanding those who are "bad-mouthing" the wts, instead of concentrating on the "tragic event" at hand. seems to me that even "in view of such a tragic event", nytel still has the time to run around and bad-mouth those bad-mouthing the wts........which is worse? and what's the difference really?

    now, to respond to the topic at hand.......

    it really is a sick and tragic thought to embrace: these people forced to either burn to death or jump. it's been a common watercooler question after the footage was shown: what would you do? jump or stay? i haven't heard anyone disagree with the jumpers as of yet on this one, including myself. it's probably the most horrific thought in the whole tragedy, and personally i hope they discontinue these close up shots of people hanging out of windows, getting ready to jump, and finally jumping. they can say what they want to about "making this real in american's eyes by showing the actual footage", but it's really sick to watch, and at some point it has to become unneccesary sensationalism.


  • Hojon

    Yes, the temperatures in a burning building can be upwards of 1000 degrees F. Add smoke to that and most people don't really have a choice but to jump.

    To further the suicide thought (and my response), my friend killed himself several years ago and in response the elders had a "special talk" outlining why those that commit suicide won't be resurrected. Very loving.

  • BobsGirl

    Fankie, Frankie ... tsk tsk tsk

    They jumped because they were attacked by apostates. Apostates are terrorists
    Terrorists, you know, Cowardly people who picket at assemblies with bags on their heads.

    If I were an apostate like many of you, I would jump too.
    That way my head can collapse into my ass like so many of you all already are.

    What a good christian boy ... I'll bet your elders are so proud!


  • MrMoe

    He has a right to his opinion - no matter how stupid it is. Just do us a favor and use the CORRECT adult board for comments such as these, OK - this way we can lash back at your insane comments. Creep.

  • Winston

    Frank's comments hurt no one but the WT.
    Let him spout off the lurkers will see it and many will leave the WT, thank you Frank we couldn't have done it with out you.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?

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