Confession time

by looking_glass 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Fungus, bacteria, virus, honestly I did not listen to what was said after the "ringworm" word was spewed forth. I sat in dismay and thought that I might have to get dewormed and it really was not a pleasant thought.

    Come on Unk, I have to have some lov'n in my life. And considering some of the fouls I have kissed (and later learned that I should have been worried where their mouths had been!) I am willing to take my chances.

    Actually, I do feel better about knowing a lot of other people have had this as well and I am not one human test tube of festering ringworm.

  • vitty

    Im sorry but that really made me laugh...................shame for the poor little doggie though

  • looking_glass

    Okay for those of you on ringworm watch (come on admit it YOU are all waiting anxiously for news) ... I have successfully killed the buggers and they have decided to house else where. Now you may ask "how did that cream that you as an American who although you have health care that you pay 175 bucks a month for but does not cover prescriptions so you had to pay an additional 78 bucks for work for you" Thank you for asking ... well the cream was for crap. It did not seem to be working at all. So you inquire "how did the meds that blah, blah, blah (same thing as above expect meds .. 7 day supply .. only cost me 50, obviously I bought the meds on the corner from the drug pusher) work for you?" I reply "sadly, again little success there"

    So, me being a semi intelligent chick, thought, let's look this up on the internet. OMG, there are all kinds of strange things, but the one thing that appeared to be the least disturbing of all Apple Cider Vinegar. I sometimes drink lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in the morning because it is a good cleanser. So I thought how bad can it be applying it to the skin. First, don't apply it for as long as they say ... a half an hour is WAY too long. Maybe 15 minutes or so. But it does dry out the fungus and it does go away. I can say in all happiness, I am no longer a carrier of the virus/bacteria/fungus/disease ... whatever disgusting thing you wish to call it, but have hopefully passed it on to some of the jerks I work with.

    Thank you for your words of comfort. I did feel much better knowing that other clean people out there also caught something called "ringworm". I am currently working with the medical profession to change the name from "ringworm" to something more pleasant, like "daisies" or "puppies" maybe even "kittens". That way next time I get it, I can say I have kittens and people will not cringe and shy away from me as the walking human test tube that I was.

    Thank you and have a good night.

  • damselfly

    Good times eh?

    Never give me daises 'k? 80


  • jgnat

    Ringworm! LOL EEEEEEW.

    I checked, at least it's not a WORM and it stays on the DEAD SKIN thank goodness.

    BUT IT IS INFECTIOUS. So don't be kissing any strangers, now.

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