Scratches on forehead???

by wannahelp 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannahelp

    I have a friend who is a JW, and he stopped over a while back to visit me... That morning, my dog and I were playing, and he had scratched my forhead, and drawn blood... I thought nothing of it, and actually had forgotten all about it. About 5 minutes after my friend came into the house and sat down, he noticed the scratches on my forehead, and was transfixed by them.. He asked how I got them, and that became his main focus for a good 10 minutes or so.. He just sat there and stared at them..

    What the heck was he thinking about.. I know the bible says something about marks on the forhead, but I'm not too sure what that would mean, as I'm not too well versed in the bible?? So, what would he think the marks meant? I'm from the Devil, or from God, or something else entirely?

    Of course, the sratches healed with no scars, so would that make him think something else still???

    Thanks for all your help...

  • logical

    Are you a baptised JW?

    If not, not worry about it.

  • wannahelp

    Nope, nor have I ever been a JW...

    What would he interpret that to mean??

  • COMF

    Well... your dog is a beast, right?

  • slipnslidemaster

    Dirty girl..."playing" with your dog. THAT'S what freaked him out!

    Slipnslidemaster: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    - Albert Einstein

  • wannahelp

    Hehe slip...

    Actually I'm a guy, but that's ok...

    So, he thinks I was marked with the beast, huh?

    Oh well, he still associates with me, so I guess that would be bad for him...

  • slipnslidemaster

    If it's a male dog, then you're gay and THAT'S what freaked him out.

    Slipnslidemaster: "I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    - Albert Einstein

  • Teirce

    Dude, this is where you need to invest in lime-green scary contacts and Halloween/Dracula fangs. Make sure he doesn't see them until BAM!!

    (actually, no, you might lose a JW friend that way..)

  • Satanus


    Jws are very supersticious, don'tcha know. Worse than catholics, whom they like to criticise.


  • Naeblis

    This is beyond silly :P

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