Sick and Twisted Wishful Thinking

by Bstndance 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    Today I was one the phone with my mom and she was telling me that as she was driving back home she saw alot of smoke coming up near her house. As she got closer she found out it was an old abandoned factory. Then she said, "I was hoping it was the church". WHAT? She lives across the street from a Catholic Church. Now, I'm not a fan of the Catholic religion, but I would never wish their church would burn. I just thought it was sick. What would she say if she heard someone wish the Kingdom Hall would burn? I called her out on it but she feels justified because she's a JW.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My sister used to tell me that she HATES worldly people because they are the cause of all of her problems. She told me she won't shed a tear when the big A hits. She can hardly wait for it all to come down. I believe that unless the idea of billions of good people dying at A bothers you, chances are not good you'll ever come out here where the grass really is a lot greener.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Holy Smoke! (get it!)

    I agree with you.


  • mariposa
    mariposa's sad..I used to think the same way. About churches, worldly own relatives. Hell, I used to secretly wish that my mom and brother would die so they would at least have a shot in the new system. It's absolutle ridiculous!!!

  • parakeet

    ***Then she said, "I was hoping it was the church"***

    This is yet another confirmation of something I've long thought: JWs still perform stonings, just without the stones.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I guess I'm odd. I was troubled by anyone dying at the big A. I met nice people and I didn't really like the idea that God would off them on a technicality. I secretly wished the brothers were wrong and that somehow, all people with any redeemable qualities would be spared.

    Guess that's why I'm a gum chewing apostate these days, I love people and don't want to see anyone lose out on the hereafter.

  • Honesty
    Then she said, "I was hoping it was the church".

    That's the reason the United States Government that the Watchtower despises so much implemented and passed legislation into law that considers comments such as hers to be "hate crimes."

  • Robdar

    Down south it's the Church of Christ and Baptists wishing doom on the KH. Fundies are all the same.

  • Honesty
    Down south it's the Church of Christ and Baptists wishing doom on the KH. Fundies are all the same.

    Only the more radical ones.

  • Robdar

    Only the more radical ones. I have never met a fundie that wasn't radical--not ever. They may say they are not but they are.

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