was there U.S. involvement?

by teejay 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    I thought I made it clear that my post, except for the first part, was not directed at you, Danny.

  • DannyBear


    I guess anyone who makes a statement with adjectives like "stupid" or "mentally ill" thrown in for color, when commenting on another's post, should make every effort to be very clear and unambiguous.



  • SixofNine

    I could have done better, though I did not want to be too pointed, as even I hate to cut too deeply into stupid mentally unstable freaks.

    I really am out of patience with the mentally unstable freaks running loose on this planet, be they posters on JWD or middle eastern terrorist.

    It all starts with thoughts. We have to choose the good ones.

  • DannyBear


  • teejay

    Hello, FiveShadows,

    I could be totally wrong and the USA has nothing to do with this and it's totally and only saddam and osama's doing, and they alone set this up. But i wouldn't throw out the possibility of the USA's involvement with them. I rarely believe anything our "president" says.

    I rarely believe the media's slant on news events of this kind. I find it odd that a car was conveniently found at the Boston airport full of materials written in Arabic, even a training video for pilots. If these people were so smart, if the plan so sophisticated and well thought out, how could they make such a bone-headed blunder, leaving behind such a smoking gun. It's possible, of course, but very, very odd.

    As far as Bush, I've seen him several times on the news since Tuesday and have a hard time feeling any level of confidence in him. He spoke today about "the leader of Pakistan," struggling (and failing) to remember his name, and expressed "appreciation for what he said, although I don't have his words in front of me right now."

    Good grief.



    Interesting comments, particularly about the "third man" in the Oklahoma City bombing who was never found.

    It may be hard to believe that our country would participate in this but given past history it is not difficult to grasp. The American people have been deliberately kept in the dark for many, many things, so these things unfortunately aren't as wild as some might think.

    I tend to agree with you. Most don't. But then, most believe that there was a lone gunman in Dallas and that a single bullet killed Kennedy. Whatever.



    Just one comment was made, about the reason for Pres Bush being out of town, the statement was made live, that they had suspicion of some sort of terrorist activity, directed toward the President.
    I never heard this statement repeated. Anybody else hear these same words?

    Sorry I missed it. Work, you know.



    I am amazed that some of you mentally ill people actually function in society.

    Now THAT'S an interesting comment... I don't know quite how to take it.


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