Did you have nicknames for JW's you knew?

by JH 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Instead of saying brother or sister X, maybe you had a nick name more appropriate for them.

    A brother in my congregation, just for fun, used to call me brother bottle (frère bouteille) or sometimes brother poutine.....(frère poutine)

    Wonder why?

    We had a CO named Charland, and I called him brother Charlatan

    charlatan / Sa1latA~ / nom masculin (guérisseur) quack[!], charlatan;

    (vendeur) trickster, con man; (prêcheur, politicien) fraud, phon(e)



  • just2sheep

    i thought of one as brother flattop for his hairstyle. not a great one but the only clean one i could think of.

  • ButtLight

    Sister gossip! Thats the only one I have, not funny either lol

  • whyamihere


    One Elder was Napoleon.....he was short 5'5" and walked around like he was in charge. One time ....oh funny story. I was sitting with my friends and Napoleon was on stage about to give the song number. He says the number(can't remember the number) and paused then said "I am Jehovah". It sounded like he was saying he was Jehovah. I remember we all laughed our asses off.(ahhh you had to be there)

    E.P. Jailer. That was his initials and he went to jail before.

    Dicky Numb Nuts.....His name was Richard and he was crazy.

    Nub..our former PO

    So many more, I'll have to think.

  • ButtLight

    Oh yeah, now, there is one here that I call "the flasher". Cause he was caught in the act!

  • whyamihere

    OH MY GOD! I have one....lol

    He used to be an Elder, then he got DF'ed for being Gay. Anyway I knew he was "Gay". So we called him BDP. Butt Dart Player!....lol

  • JH

    I used to say Circumcision Overseer, instead of Circuit Overseer.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The po in my kh was nicknamed bumble when he was at bethel, no idea why. He certainly didn't like the name.

  • daystar

    This one girl and I had nicknames for each other. We called each other BB.

    Mine was for Bitsy-Butt and hers was for Big-Boobs.

    (For the record, my ass has filled out quite nicely since then, thank you! )

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