Did You Know Elder & M.S. Wannabees?

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Most elders are afraid of intelligent brains----male or female. It's like kryptonite to Superman.

  • Justice-One

    We used to used to say...."oh he's studying to be an Elder." It was not a complement.

  • Gregor

    Yes, there was the MS who started "partaking" within two years of being baptized. He was fast tracking and it was so obvious that we elders decided to hold off on making him an elder. He was just too aggressive and was not happy about being passed over, in fact he could hardly believe it. He and his FT pioneer wife went out to some godforsaken place in the midwest as special pioneers for awhile and he was made an elder. He came back and started buying old houses and fixing them up.Once, he and I were helping move a brother and we were driving along in his pick up sharing a pint of whiskey (as any good JW would) and he said, "I want to beat this old system at its own game" meaning getting wealthy.

    Within a few short years he established a "Buy low/Sell high real estate "method" complete with TV infomercials, seminars, cassette tapes, the whole nine yards. He became very (multi-millionaire class) wealthy. You would recognize his name if I mentioned it. During this time I left the org. so I don't know what his situation is now . But he was just a very aggressive, gung ho, young man and at one time it was advancing in the org. that he set his sights on.

  • DannyHaszard

    In nature the cream floats to the top,in the Watchtower the scum floats. _____
    "If you want to see man at his worst, observe what he does to his fellow men in the name of God." Anonymous

  • SirNose586

    Yeah, the sad thing is one of my friends isn't a kiss-up, but he's a genuinely nice person and wanted to become an MS. When we were in Mexico, and apart from our other friend that went with us, he asked me how I became an MS. I had to tell him what was really going on.
    I told him, "I made casual mention of wanting to be an MS some time ago, to look as if I weren't stagnating. They got me on the program and told me to keep the hours up, the mischief down, and the assignments on-track. I kept doing what they wanted, and they made me an MS without any fuss."
    "Well, I told the elders I wanted to reach out for more privileges and that I had being an MS as a goal. When I told them that, they told me to go read the scriptures and wait on Jehovah."
    "Well, you don't have my grandfather to pull for you on the BoE. I suspect it's because I keep out of trouble and because of my family connections that I got the fast-track. Trust me, I didn't have to try very hard. I just did what they told me to do."
    I suspect he was disheartened a little to hear that. But I couldn't gloss over it; I was a beneficiary of nepotism and that's how the game is played...

  • minimus

    Funny: I played the part in the DC drama in the late 70's where I was studying to be an elder.

  • esw1966

    I once knew a ms who was trying SO hard to be an elder that when he was turned down he STORMED out of the book study because he was so mad about not being selected. He later became a PROUD elder.

    I had a good friend whose dad was an elder, po, and he wanted to be an elder. The Circuit Overseer said that his going to square dances prevented his appointment. He had to quit going to the classes and then he was an elder. He was my buddy who disfellowshipped me. Still love the guy! Good and sincere, but lost...

  • Athanasius

    Hey Minimus, I remember that 70s DC demo. You didn't perform at the DC in the Oakland Coliseum did you?

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Yeah, I knew a couple. Too bad they showed up in my hall after I was appointed as an MS. I'm 100% certain I was only made one to have alot of congregation duties offloaded onto me. I could have been spared the crap. These other two would gladly fill in for school cancellations, comment many times each meeting, and auxillary pioneer often. But they also took part in all cleanups, which I appreciated because all the rest of the elders, servants and publishers were lazy sanctimonious wankers that never showed for the manual labour. They 2 guys were appointed fairly quickly. One even made elder about a year and a half after being made an MS. The congregation I'm assigned to has one of the larger bodies of elders and servants in the circuit. Again only to spread out the work.

  • blondie
    Most elders are afraid of intelligent brains----male or female. It's like kryptonite to Superman.

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