another life gone

by darth frosty 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    This past thurs a young brother ended his life. In writing he stated that he could not live up to the demands placed on him. I am quite sure that all the local witnesses will hear about this and think what they are programed to think: we need the new system. we are so close to the end. and all the other JW rhetoric they have swallowed over the years.

    In MT 11:30 Jesus says my yoke is KINDLY and my load is LIGHT. In deciding the circumcission issue the brothers wrote at acts 15:28 'for the holy spirit and we ourselves have favoured adding NO FURTHER BURDEN to you, except these necesary things.' The scriptures as presented to us is very fair and rational in its mandates. Taken at face value for the lessons it teaches the bible is a wonderful book. placed in the hands of some fruity old men who think they must control every aspect of peoples lives, it becomes a deadly weapon.

    At the tender age of 24, after a lifetime of WT$ conditioning, this man could go on no more. Sadly he is not the first, tragically he will not be the last. There will be no AWAKE! to explain this phenomenom. He will have a memorial service at the funeral home, because the fruity old men feel such a person's funeral should not be in one of their precious KH's (never mind the fact that he helped build it.) When people ask about what happened the conditioned witnesses will give some vague lame answer, while tying it in to the need for gods new system.

    I know that others have experienced this pain, most recently Scootergirl's husband. I have seen post by some who are on the edge. We must draw strength from each other. Life can be fucked up. most of us have the added burden of the WT$ conditioning to deal with. But once we overcome the dark cloud that WT teaching drapes over us, there is a beautiful world out there to explore. Yeah we may be getting a late jump on the real life, But at least we are not asleep in someone else dream.

  • Stealth453

    we may be getting a late jump on the real life, But at least we are not asleep in someone else dream.


  • SirNose586

    Another life lost to the Pharisaic demands of the Org. Only, he didn't bleed to death in a hospital, so he gets no magazine cover.
    I will be praying for him. I hope I don't end up like him in 3 years...
    Did he have any known mental illness? Or was being in the Org the only causal factor in his suicide?

  • Sparkplug

    we may be getting a late jump on the real life, But at least we are not asleep in someone else dream.


    Right, absolutely! I refuse to miss one more moment. And to the best of my ability, I won't. My heart breaks for all that miss this awakening. It all seems so bleak before you awaken and see it all in a new light. My love to all that are hurting right now!

  • daniel-p

    Darth frosty, you should write a letter to the local paper telling them what you told us, although with maybe a bit more explanation of the JW's, of course. I think the bit about him not having the service in his own KH would be great for them to hear.

  • cyberguy

    This is so sad darth frosty! I knew of a congregation in Ohio, where 7 young people killed themselves over a 5 year period! Included was my girlfriend! All these committed suicide for the very reasons you list. They couldn’t live up to the expectations of the WT! When people question the existence of God and Jesus, to me, I have little doubt in the existence of a “devil” in that the evidence is there when considering the caustic poison from WT "devil" that is killing young people around the word! Thank you for sharing this. This has spurred me on to work even harder to get people out of this satanic cult!

  • Stephanus

    So many victims - this rotten cult!

    Remember when there was a large patchwork quilt made from thousands of pieces, each piece representing someone who'd died of AIDS? If the same was done to represent the victims of Watchtowerism, how big would the quilt be? How far would the GB's guilt stretch?

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101
    Yeah we may be getting a late jump on the real life, But at least we are not asleep in someone else dream.

    I have to say that sentance shot out of the screen at me! Very well put. So many of us managed to survive where as a few dont make it, such as this young person. Perhaps if he could have found somewhere like here he may have been a survivor also - who knows. All we know is we have made it this far and if at all our comments here may help and rescue others, lets hope so.

    CS 101

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Cs 101-you are right it would be great if he could have found this place, But with the way the WT says to stay off the internet that makes it that much more difficult to find help. It's sad that a great source for help and encouragement can be a few clicks away, yet many suffer in anguish because the very thought of going online and typing in a search about what bothers you can cause anxiety. I know I had not been to a hall in 2 yrs before I was able to type in JW's and explore the results that came up.

    DP- thats a good idea the service is tues as I understand.

  • LovesDubs

    I remember a young brother took his own life in a congregation that shared our hall. The talk amongst the "friends" was NOT of kindness and compassion and support for the family in their time of need. It was how they WERENT going to go to the funeral of someone who WASNT going to be in the New System because they dared to take their own life! How SELFISH that individual was for killing themselves! How UNSPIRITUAL that person was and how they obviously couldnt hold themselves to Jehovahs standards and must have wanted to live a life of imorality...and ON and ON until I wanted to puke! And yes the poor grieving JW family had to have his service and burial outside the SACRED halls. I should have gone to the funeral myself in retrospect even though I didnt even know any of them.

    Heartless, selfish, nasty bastards. And those are the GOOD things I have to say about them.

    If you go to the services....tell the family that there is a small army out here that they cant see feeling their pain and with them on this sad day.


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