Why do WTBTS fear apostates in light of Acts 5 vs 38-39

by stillajwexelder 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    (Acts 5:38-39) 38 And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God. . .

    So if the WTS really belive they are from God, why fear apostates. If the WTS is from men it will be overthrown. If not then apostates ar efighting against God.

    Why do they not practice this scripture?

  • IronClaw

    Their 120 plus year record PROVES beyond ANY shadow of doubt that they are NOT from God.


    The Claw

  • parakeet

    ***So if the WTS really belive they are from God, why fear apostates. If the WTS is from men it will be overthrown. If not then apostates ar efighting against God.***
    The WTS understands better than anyone the kind of mentality they foster among their believers, a mentality made up of uncritical belief in the gb's constant barrage of half-truths, distorted facts, hate-mongering, and fear.
    The Society knows that belief based on fantasy cannot stand up to everyday, common-sense information the rest of the world takes for granted. It fears apostates because apostates have seen through the WT scam, and given half a chance, they would gladly show their JW friends and relatives the error of their ways.
    The gb fears apostates because an open, no-holds-barred, head-on confrontation between believers and apostates would bring down the WTS.
    God has nothing to do with it.

  • garybuss

    The Watch Tower Society's strategy was actually to ignore critics. Not surprisingly, that didn't work for them very well, especially when the critics had knowledge and facts . . . and all the Society had was a made up story in a homemade book, innuendos, and denials.
    I've heard the Jehovah's Witnesses say critics lie, but I've NEVER heard one Jehovah's Witness quote even one lie or try to refute even one issue like past failed predictions. I actually had one elder RUN away from me. So much for answering questions.
    In my experience, after associating with Jehovah's Witnesses much of my life, if a Jehovah's Witness's thought won't fit on a bumper sticker, it's too complicated for them. Two of the leaders in Bethel can't even agree on one simple point on the phone.
    Do I agree with all former Witnesses? Nope! Not by a long shot! Are critics all liars, radicals, and fanatics? Some are but not all. Do I want to associate with them? Yeah, I do.
    I've got very few real philosophical problems with former Witnesses and NO real problems. No critics have advised my sons to shun me or belly pushed me away from a vending machine, but Jehovah's Witnesses did.

  • VM44

    How does the WTBTS know that God is not using and working through the so-called "apostates"? --VM44

  • BizzyBee
    if a Jehovah's Witness's thought won't fit on a bumper sticker, it's too complicated for them.

    JW's are living proof that people can be conditioned to develop an attention span of about 20 seconds. When all your thoughts are pre-digested for you, the ol' brain pan becomes sluggish. Also the mind-numbingly boring spiritual food (slops) that is regurgitated endlessly puts the mind to sleep.

  • parakeet

    ***How does the WTBTS know that God is not using and working through the so-called "apostates"? --VM44***
    Because apostates don't sell Watchtowers and don't generate a handsome profit for the WTS. If they did, the gb would dig up and spin a few scriptures to include apostates in their membership rolls.
    Bottom line: $$$$$$ = God.
    In other words, God has nothing to do with it.

  • Flash
    Why do they not practice this scripture?

    Because like the Jews of Jesus time, the leaders of the Witnesses after waiting almost 40 years then seeing 1914 fail to bring Armageddon, became the apostates begining right after Russell's death and continuing down to today. The only exceptions to this through the years have been those like Nicodemus (John 3: 1 and 2).

    Matthew 24: 48 ~ 51 Luke 12: 45 ~ 47

    Remember, Jesus was sent to "God's People." When He criticized and condemed them He was often criticizing and condeming those leading "God's Organization."

    Matthew 10: 16 and 17 Matthew 23: 13 ~ 39

    The sincere people that closely follow and support the GB are trapped and dangerously misled.

    Matthew 10: 6

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