What do ex-JW's still believe

by spiceant 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeroday

    I tossed out the biggie....

    There is no God, if there were it is the height of EVIL......

  • Honesty

    I believe that Jesus came to earth and died for our sins.

    Oh wait, the Watchtower cult doesn't really teach that.

    I believe in salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus.

    Oh wait, the Watchtower cult definitely doesn't teach that.

    I believe that all those who put their trust in Jesus will be saved.

    Oh wait, The Watchtower cult doesn't teach that either.

    I believe that Jesus is God as is the Father and the Holy Spirit and He deserves to be praised and worshiped for who He is.

    Oh wait, that's one of the reasons the Watchtower cult put me in the seat of an apostate.

    I'd have to say that I honestly don't believe anything the Watchtower cult and their decieved Witnesses teach as truth.

    Sorry, can't help you.

  • anewme

    I dont know about the others,(because exJWs are not a control group cult, we all believe different things)
    The only thing I still believe in (a belief you did not add) is in a supreme being, God, The Beloved, the Creator.

    I now only believe what I see in nature and what my god given heart perceives.

  • cyd0099

    I can only speak for myself, but I believe in a creative force that set things in motion but doesn't really give a damn about what happens to me or anyone else for that matter.

    I believe in taking charge of your own life and being responsible for your thoughts and actions.

    I believe the list you have presented does not have any relavence to my life at this time.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    My Opinion:

    1. End times (at hand)

    While this is possible (just like all things are possible) what differance does it really make? I would say the majority of people who interpret the Bibles 'end times' prophecy do it wrong and use such misimformation to simply scare and fear other people to follow them. The truth about the endtimes (if you believe the Bible) is that there is no warning and that tomarrow is just as likely as today as was yesterday. Read "The Sign of the Last Days, When?", its great reading for anybody who wants to proclaim 'the end is near' garbage.

    2. Armageddon (to come within <25>
    Again not true. People have been saying junk like this for centuries. Life you life one day at a time. Do something with you life now. Stop waiting for something to happen in a predetermined peroid of time.

    3. Resurrection (to paradise)

    Jesus refered to everlasting life as paradise, but he purposly seemed to have left the idea of what all the details are pretty vauge. Even those that want to bash the idea that people go to heaven never stop and think that mabye heaven and paradise are the same thing.

    4. Paradise (beyond armageddon)

    see above.

    5. Satan deceives all earth

    Jws never fail to mention satan and all the bad he does. Sin is a condition, not simply an act. Don't forget that we cause our own problems as well.

    6. Jesus died on a stick, not cross

    What differance does it make either way? And wasn't there 'sacred poles' in the bible. Both have been used by 'pagan'. This is a point that makes no differance what you believe.

    7. Demons

    That they are there? What christian dosn't believe in demons?

    8. Animals eat grass in paradise (including carnivores)

    This is just stupid. Let us not worry about the physical details of the promised future and instead focus more own what we are doing now.

  • Stealth453

    This is easy....

    None of them

  • Dismembered

    Greetings spiceant,

    :i havent read a lot of posts but there are only a few about this point and i havent found those few

    Do your homework, keep looking.


  • zanex

    ok the animals eating grass including carnivores bit? lol...the day i see a lion have a nice big hearty SALAD I will take another serious look at the bible..until then..? I dont have belief in any of those things...dont think i have the ABILITY to believe in those things as it was stolen from me by the society....


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