I think any religion can change some one's life to a positive way.

by free2beme 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I remember as a Witness, how we always were told account of people getting their life changed in a wonderful way, when they became Witnesses. We always thought, "That is what happens when Jehovah comes into your life." Yet if you think about it, every religion I have ever encountered, has similar account of lives being changed by religion. The reasons to me, is so simple.

    1. Religion gives people a sense of purpose.

    2. Religion gives people a hope.

    3. Religion gives people organization and guidelines.

    If any organization or religion can accomplish these three simple things, it will make some one's life more positive. People who free themselves from addictions, often turn to religion as it gives them something to do and a hope of a better future. The thing that so amazing to me though, is how you never heard on stage or in any church, about the people who had religion fail them. As we know from this board, and our lives, our former religion failed us and did not have an positive end result. Why not share those account at the next convention? It is said that societies is not measured in the amount of people who succeed under its guidance, but rather in the amount of people who fail. Take for example a multi-level marketing program. People will often point to a small percentage on stage of people who have found amazing success. Yet ignore all the failures watching in the audience. Same with the religion, they will hear these amazing account of people's lives having amazing events take place, at the conventions. Yet ignore the fact that it has hurt their lives, their friends lives, etc. I was wondering, how much of an impact would it be to say to a Witness who just recounted a story told at a convention with something like, "well, that is amazing, as Jehovah seemed to ignore all the people in our area who went through things like that and failed?"

    Yet, it will go on and on, in all religions. Saying how much positive they have brought into some one's life. Which it will, but can we ignore all the negative?

  • serendipity

    Hi Free,

    I guess my experience has been a bit different. The JWs I know the best, love the doom & gloom stories.

    When negative things happen to JWs, it's due to Satan's attacks on Jehovah's people or this old world that's under Satan's control, etc. It's a badge of honor to show up at meetings with horror stories. It shows how faithful JWs are.

    It's amazing the reaction I get when I talk about how good life is going, or a promotion or raise, or how I feel great due to some diet change or when I relate something else positive. JWs don't seem to know how to handle that kind of good news.

  • Gregor

    F2B, I couldn't agree more. I have personally observed cases of people whos lives were total train wrecks who accepted a Bible study, came to meetings, cleaned up their bad habits, etc. They were definitely helped on the road to a better life (some of these people had small children). The JWs can take credit for it if they wish, no argument here. But it would have been no different with any other group of people who offered them a positive structure to build on. Too bad JWs couldn't be content just being another Christian church trying to help people with the basics.

  • poppers

    1. Religion gives people a sense of purpose. - Isn't it curious that people feel the need to look outside themselves to find "purpose".

    2. Religion gives people a hope. - "Hope" is about the future, and while looking to the future people miss what's really here now, the only time that exists.

    3. Religion gives people organization and guidelines. - Isn't it curious that people feel the need to have an organization that provides guidelines.

    Your assessment on what religion gives is right on, and that's why religions fail to actually lead people to discovering truth and why people are hypnotized by beliefs, blinding them to the truth that exists right now within oneself.

  • purplesofa
    Too bad JWs couldn't be content just being another Christian church trying to help people with the basics.

    i second that

  • Robdar

    I must agree with everything that Poppers has said. And he said it well.

  • parakeet

    At best, religion is like a M.A.S.H. hospital -- can fix up the wounds, help them recover from the trauma, and when they're healed, send them on their way. After that, it should be each person's responsibility to find the way best for them, without any ecclesiastical crutches to hold them back. Hanging onto a religion for all of life's answers is an abdication of one's spiritual responsibility.

  • Athanasius

    You shouldn't limit your application to only religion, poppers. It can apply to any movement whether it be religious, political, educational, etc. I know some devout Marxists who would be in total agreement if you just change the wording to this:

    1. The Party gives the people a sense of purpose. "Workers of the World Unite, all you have to lose are your chains."

    2. The Party gives the people as sense of hope. "Arise ye victims of privation, arise all ye who are forelorn, for there's a new age beginning, there's a new world being born." The Internationale.

    3. The Party gives the people organization and guidelines. "Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws." K. Marx.

    Sometimes I think politics is religion in a secular disguise.

  • Gregor

    and of course it was our old comrade Karl who observed that "religion is the opium of the people" So true.

  • poppers

    From Athanasius

    You shouldn't limit your application to only religion, poppers. It can apply to any movement whether it be religious, political, educational, etc.

    I agree absolutely with you. ANY belief is an obstruction to reality. For most people their religion is what's most closely identified with, but identification can be attached to anything, as you pointed out. If you want freedom then discover exactly what is doing the identification. That is an inward journey that only you can do.

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