help! what are good birthday presents for lads?

by Cordelia 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona
  • tijkmo
    If it was during an aposto-bash then its highly likely that I was inebriated It wasn't during the moosehead conversation was it?



    PS. why not give Cordy a good idea on gifts for guys?!

    i think mooseheads were mentioned in passing what about his favourite tv prog in a box dvd set if it was me it would be the complete west wing or spooks or house

  • LittleToe


    nobody goes a day without seeing a cow

    do u not remember that conversation..

    im sure you were there

    She might have zoned out at the time. I was there - LOL

    The moosehead thing was the night before - hehehe.

  • Cordelia

    I remember saying the cow thing, its true isnt it, you cant go a day without seeing a cow, even if its just on your tub of butter or milk or whatever, but its impossiable to go a day without seeing one

    i dont remember the mooseheads one i was prob too drunk then and sirona was prob too drunk when the cow one was mentioned, at least we get drunk at different times so we can fill each other in the next day

    anyway what about my bottle idea do you guys think its not right for a guy or does it depend what you write on it??

  • LittleToe

    The bottle thing sounds on a par with the little boxes thing. What's with that? Ever see the Friends episode with Joey and the boxes?

    You'd probably get thanked, but he might not know what to do with them...

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Generally if it ticks two of these your on to a winner:




    Stuff that I like to get is:

    DVD's, CD's, computer/console games, clothes, model cars etc. I like a present to be something I want but cant justify buying myself (nless money was no object to me - but sadly thats not the case lol). I think men (boys!) are easy to buy for as we often have so many different interests.

    hope that helps

    CS 101

  • confusedjw
  • diamondblue1974

    I suppose it depends on what hes into but it was my birthday a few weeks ago and one pressie I got was a super chicken from the Oxfam Unwrapped website; basically a pair of breeding chickens are given to a needy family so that they can sell/eat the eggs and sell/trade chicks to other families. It was a great additional pressie to go with others.... You can even buy goats and donkeys!

    Another wicked pressie I got was a days falconry training in Cheshire...its a bit pricey but its a great experience day and really interesting too...specially to see a peregrine falcon take out a gull in mid flight which is what happened at another demonstration I went to ages ago.

    Just a few ideas to add to the never ending list; I bet you wish you never asked now!


  • Pubsinger


    Very funny thread!! But this birthday thing does take a bit of getting used to. I'm lucky because I've got into it through my kids who are 8 and 6, but I honestly had no idea hove to buy gifts for people. . .so sad.

    Personally I'm easily pleased, books and CDs are a winner for me everytime. Tickets for a band/play are good too but I don't know how flush you are.

    One day I will meet up with you all, I'm only just over the hill in Halifax, but the missus is just too damaged by this whole Witness shit that I think she'd be too traumatised by bad memories.

  • diamondblue1974
    One day I will meet up with you all, I'm only just over the hill in Halifax, but the missus is just too damaged by this whole Witness shit that I think she'd be too traumatised by bad memories.

    Thats a shame to hear matey....hopefully soon we could tempt you both over to the dark side of the pennines!


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