Support for people leaving a cult.

by wanderlustguy 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    This was touched on some time ago by Crumpet I believe, but here it is again.

    I've been going back and forth for some time about starting a site to provide support for people leaving cults, mainly JWs, but others as well. My first thought is to have a lot of information that we were never exposed to, like how tos for finance, retirement, maybe even a job search assistance section, or educational stuff, etc.

    I know the whole "if it helps one person it's worth it" logic is noble, but lets get real. If I'm going to put hundreds of hours into something, I want it to make a real impact...would it help, and for it to be helpful, what would it need to provide?


  • rebel8

    Do you have FrontPage?

    Those were the reasons I started my web site in the first place, but it grew into a lot more. I have a page devoted to support resources and have gotten a lot of positive feedback about it. I don't have much time to dedicate to it anymore and am interested in sharing it with someone. It would be easier to share it with someone so it stays fresh.

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