At A Time Such As This

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    A time of sadness and horror

    All the churches and synagogues in my area will stay open,
    offering prayers for all the victims.

    Will even a single Kingdom Hall join them? Will they pray for
    the other 99.9% of suffering people? Or will their pleas stop
    at the borders of a cult?

    There were so many New Yorkers offering blood
    they had to be turned away.

    Was there a single Witness among them?

    In the next 6 months, will the Awake seek to exploit this
    tragedy, with splashy graphics, to sell more magazines?

    Will Witnesses hope this is the End, to eliminate the rest
    of their neighbors?

    I don't need to answer these questions for you.

    You already know.

    How different are they,
    in their hearts,
    from men who considered innocent masses,
    as nothing at all.

    metatron (I pray for all the suffering and hope Witnesses will
    one day do the same)

  • HoChiMin


  • betweenworlds

    I bet not a beat will be missed Thursday night, same old routine...ministry school, kingdom ministry, accounts reports read, etc, etc. No parts put by the wayside to pray for those who have died, and of course no please made to donate blood to save lives.....

    Of course I could be wrong....but I kinda doubt it.


    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

  • VeniceIT

    I'm sure there will be some demonstrations on the meeting tonight on how to tie this tragedy in with the JW theology!


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • Scorpion

    I figure the witnesses will look at this as one step closer to the time of the end and will try their best to capitalize on this tragedy.

  • buffalosrfree

    I can just see some of the zombies saying yes this is a sign of the end, in fact thats exactly what I heard from two zombies, Jdubs are so quick to place all bad things as signs the end is near. I just couldn't believe my ears when I heard them. No heart at all, and probable glee that the death of 6 billion plus people is near at least in their eyes. Buff

  • ARoarer

    My son who is still there in Manhattan at his college Dorm said it is so incredible how everyone is so kind and helpful to oneanother. People were standing by the Brooklyn Bridge giving water to tired passersby, helping each other, holding each other. All working together. People are going on line to donate blood. When I think of this act I think of the scripture, great love hath no man than to give his life for another. Those rescue workers who gave thier lives before the building came down. Did one Jehovah's Witness give so much as a sympathetic look. They were too busy rushing out to the Kingdom Hall tonight to save their pathetic mindless asses. My husband and I sat glued to the TV today with our hearts crying for the losses and watching the sheer humanity of it all. We realized we had not eaten all day, so we went to get a take out pizza to bring back home. On the way we passed the Kingdom Hall we used to attend. IT WAS PACKED at 7:32. Unheard of for this congregation in this area. They are problably all in their gloating and feeling so superior to all on the outside who are derserving of death. Their thoughts are just as murderous as those who follow Ben Laden. Peace to all tonight. May we all feel the humanitarian love for all those touched by this Tragedy.

  • bluesapphire

    It's not just the dubs. My born-again co-worker's first words to me this morning was, "This is end-times prophecy coming true. It's in the Bible...." I just calmly looked at her and asked, "Really? Can you show me in the Bible where it says the World Trade Center would be bombed?"

    While most religious people will be donating blood, ministers/priests administering to and comforting their flocks, the "fanatics" will continue to be fanatics!

  • Esmeralda

    Metatron, I thought many of those same things today. Thank you for articulating for those of us who have been stunned into silence. Again I am sure that JW's will prove themselves totally useless in any constructive way in this situation.

    ARoarer, I am so, so glad that your son is all right. (I can't believe you have a boy of college age, btw) I will pray (something I rarely do anymore) for his continued safety.

    A very distant relative of my husband's (His Uncle's brother's wife)was in one of the towers. Somehow, she got out before the major explosions. She is very lucky.

    I just keep looking at the pictures and thinking how can they believe that anyone is still alive under that? How? It seems impossible. I hope that I'm wrong.

    I just keep thinking of all the children whose parents didn't come home tonight.

    Who are never coming home.

    so sad

    p.s. I have two cousins who are exJW's now in the military who may be called in to do clean up in New York. Please keep them in your thoughts. One of them is a father of two children under the age of 2, who only joined the reserves earlier this year. They told him that he'll be among the first to go because of the training he has...

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The victims and their families were mentioned in prayer at my Hall tonight, there was not one mention of how we could work this into the field ministry, just repeated comments about what a terrible tragedy it was. Some of you guys are being consumed by your own hate.

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