The fourth plane

by radar 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    As anyone any information on the fourth plane that apparently crashed in rural country?
    Was it shot down?
    The news agencies seem very quiet about it!


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    There seems to be some speculation that it was making a run on Camp David, that's about it.

  • peacepipe

    Hi, I'm from Greensburg, PA and I'm between Pittsburgh and Somerset County where the fourth plane hit. It's been quite a day. At work today no one worked between the stories from New York and those affecting Pittsburgh. We first heard the 2nd plane was heading for Kennametal in Latrobe, Pa but I believe that was a false rumor. They also couldn't determine if there was 45 people or 400 people on board. I don't believe they have said yet on the news but there has been speculation that the plane was heading for Camp David or the Capitol. It has also been speculated that the plane was intentionally shot down by our own government thanks to a phone call from a cell phone caller locked in the bathroom of the plane warning the plane had been hijacked. They may have been able to of trace the call and shoot the plane down before it got to it's destination. But like I said that is speculation. Our local schools dismissed early today if parents wanted to pick up the children and most businesses/colleges in the Johnstown/Somerset area and Pittsburgh area have shut down for the day. Hopefully, the worst here is over and I can't help but wonder if there were more hijackers in grounded planes that didn't get up in the air.

  • Lindy

    Dear Peacepipe,
    My one daughter's boyfriend was in a state of panic when he heard this about the plane in PA. His family lives there. He called and found out that the plane came down in the field next to his father's and grandfather's house. Just one field over!! Can you imagine that?
    As far as the plane being shot down I can tell you that someone that I know knows a military person "in the know" and he said that it was indeed shot down, but that you more than likely won't be told this on the news because of the implications.

  • peacepipe

    Lindy, that is unbelievable! we have a camp in Bedford very close to Indian lake, I was thinking of going into seclusion there and thats when I got the news of the crash. I think the news should report it if that was the case, but I can see why the wouldn't. However, anyone can see that it just doesn't make sense that 3 planes hit their targets and a 4th with minimal passengers would wreck in a field. I doubt the original pilot was flying the plane and the hijackers obviously wouldn't have this in their plan. Luckily one of the residents in that area seemed to of been hit. This day is just one of those unbelievable days. . . . .they just said the somerset local news that the plane hit a strip field and no one on the ground was injured. There is a crater were it landed and everything incinerated.

    As everyone I'm so sad, the initial shock is over. Just can't help but wonder what will happen next.

  • peacepipe

    There is speculation on our local news based on following facts:
    *Plane from Newark was headed for Erie region and made u-turn back to
    east coast.
    *Pittsburgh International airport had plane on radar and made contact
    with no response from pilot.
    *Person on cell phone called from bathroom of the plane stating it
    was being hijacked.
    *This was after 1st two plane crashes.
    *F16's were confirmed to be flying over Pittsburgh.
    *There was sufficient time for the plane to of been located and shot
    down by our military.

  • LDH

    I told my husband immediately after they reported a plane hit the Pentagon, "If there's anymore planes up there and they can't get confirmation that they are under the control of the intended pilot, they need to shoot them down."

    I hope this was the case, because the hijackers were going to kill them all anyway, might as well limit casualties.

    No one could blame the government for their course of action if it were true.


  • peacepipe

    I fear what tomorrow may bring.

  • radar

    There is still nothing coming through the UK newsagencies on this!

    Maybe I should post them!


  • peacepipe

    Radar, I'm confident on my info. It was talked about on the Pittsburgh, PA news stations though I haven't heard them say much about it on the world news. Just an FYI. I doubt it's a rumor.(incase you did want to post info elsewhere)
    Take Care


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