Pinch ME Please I Must be Dreaming!

by Cassiline 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    I woke up this morning as you all did to this chaos that has enveloped our country, for those of you outside our country I am sure you were just as shocked. Nothing as devistating has happened during my lifetime. Although for some of you in countrys where terriosm is an everyday occurence I now can see the horror and heartache you must deal with on a daily basis.

    I keep on saying to myself that I must be dreaming. For those of you in NYC, Washington and PA, I hope you all are well and your familys safe. You are in my heart and prayers.

    My husband is military and we live on a Base in the Midwest. The base along with all others is at defcon4 which is the higest alert possible. No one allowed on, no one allowed off. I am worried that my husband will be activated and deployed. I am also worried for my cousin who had a interview for a job this morning at TWC.

    I also am wondering if this was not again American terrisom. How could these people get two planes out of Boston? Another Tim Mcvave(sp?)

    Someone Pinch me for I must be dreaming!
    Tears, for the dead and wounded.
    Prayers for the familys of these people.

    ((((((((((((((((((( Healing Hugs To ALL ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • joelbear


    I am beginning to wonder myself if this wasn't muslim extremists after all. I read the Taliban reply, stating that bin Laden is just not this sophisticated. Got me thinking


  • Cassiline

    Did you see the news coverage also of the Palastinians dancing in the streets, passing out candy and singing? I almost vomited!

    But I still question if it was foreign terroists or American.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Cassiline


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • logical


    that is propaganda in full swing, to be expected at a time like this. Dont believe all you see on TV, and realise theres a lot more going on you DONT see.

    (edited to stop stupid reply emails)

  • Cassiline

    I'm sorry Logical to which were you referring the singing in the street,s???? An american reporter was there live and I do believe what I saw, no offense to you at all.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • logical


    Yes, I am not denying that... but that was deliberately sent out to give them a bad name... what about the ones mourning, praying, sick at what happened?

  • Cassiline

    That is true Logical, I do see you point. As i stated above I am also speculating if IT was another Americam attack. I am not placing blame anywhere at this juncture. I was just sick to see the singing.
    You are correct that there are many who were upest by this as well.
    Forgive me for my misunderstanding you.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Stephanus
    Nothing as devistating has happened during my lifetime.

    I've got the same sick feeling I had when the Challenger exploded. It's one of those tragedies which transcends the deaths of the individuals involved - it's like a part of humanity itself has died! My heart goes out to all involved - this is a truly horrific thing which should never have happened.

  • Celtic

    Does anyone else get these strange feelings? Whilst I was down by the Helford River this afternoon and having not yet seen or heard the news, a strange feeling enveloped me as if a wave of dread passed through me fanning in all directions. Does anyone else get these sensations before hearing of events?

    Healing and prayers for all. Hugs.

    Cornwall UK

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