by D wiltshire 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Do You remember when you were a beleiving JW and you heard of some catastrophy?

    I remember feeling sick because on one hand I wanted the death count to be as high as possible to prove we were in the time of the end, and on the other hand thinking how tragic, I was sick because I had such twisted thinking and I couldn't shake it.

    Did anyone else feel that way when you were a JW?

    IF not how did you feel about these things?

  • Moxy

    this is a very good decription of the strange feelings of duality. im ashamed to admit that i fear ive not really gotten rid of them myself... anxiously waiting to hear casuality figures and not feeling the horror that i think i should... i dunno. maybe its just shock.


  • nytelecom1

    weird....i am sick cuz of the number of dead..not an
    ounce is hoping that it is high....maybe that explains
    something about you...

  • Moxy

    nyt: im just trying to come to grips with my feelings. i think DWs comments about excitement mixed with horror are very familiar. the WOL thread was mentioned elsewhere. i hope your comments are not a slight at me. i would consider that totally unwarranted.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I'm sad:

    weird....i am sick cuz of the number of dead..not an
    ounce is hoping that it is high....maybe that explains
    something about you...

    But your words are true I was weird, because of stupid mind control. I thank God that I feel differently now. I'm going to give blood for those that need it now, how about you?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Speaking of the WOL thread, one of the latest responses contained this:

    Please, understand me properly. I too, deeply concerned for all my dear brothers. As we have seen, Jehovah protected all of them (note, we've not heard that any of JWs was victium.

    First of all, it's highly unlikely that this statement is true. But I do remember hearing similar statements made about any tragic event, which were always intended to make us feel very special and blessed.

    When you think of the percentage of JWs working in New York as compared to the number of non-JWs...not even taking into account the ratio in any one business complex....the low incidence of JW victims is not all that unusual.

    I'm sure that Mormons could claim the same "divine protection", or Moonies, or whatever small group you might care to discuss.

    The whole thing is just so twisted......thousands have died....we have a national tragedy unfolding before us, and so many JWs are bubbling with excitement about the Great Tribulation and their "special status" in the universe. Will any of them in the areas that have been struck today reach out to their worldly neighbors to offer solace and help? Or will they try to sell magazines to them?

  • safe4kids

    Moxy and D W...I too used to focus solely on what I had been brainwashed into believing by that sick and twisted cult. I applaud both of you for your honesty about your feelings and think NYT's comments out of line, unless I totally misunderstood him.

    Moxy, I too am in shock...it doesn't seem possible that it can be real. My 10 year old son, who has been watching the news with me most of the day, just came and said: "mom, did I imagine it or did the WTC towers really collapse?" This is a recurring thought for me as well; I just can't believe it.

    And I think Redhorsewoman makes such a good point about the witnesses focussing on their own and not being very concerned about their neighbors lives. I'm not saying that is true of all individual JWs..but the group focus? Sad.


  • Winston

    This is tragic:

    Welcome to the Great Tribulation, Folks! Sep 11, 2001 12:57:08 PM

    as i was in the dentists chair this morning, i got the news and my heart just sank. i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.
    well, You Know, i have to say this: ....my money is on you.. i think you nailed it this time...
    what is the verse about them "growing faint out of fear"???
    all i can say is..stay tuned.....you guys ain't seen nothing yet....
    the fun begins when the terrorists are identified and recompense is sought by the United States.. oh, and not to mention the ramifications in the global markets....
    yep, like i said folks...."welcome to the GT.....and the finale is the Big A"..
    this is a day that will go down in world history.


    Where is the love for the innocent victims?

    Where is the WT GOOD NEWS FOR MANKIND?


  • nytelecom1

    sorry moxy...no slight intended

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Hey guys,

    My girlfriend, (a JW) is not the slightest bit sickened by all of this. Her main concern was finding something for her 4 year old son to watch on TV this morning, other than the news.

    One of the first things she said to me was "SEE? Now do you believe we're in the last days???" She also wants to hook me up for a bible study tonight....

    I don't know what ot think right now.

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