Isn't one of the major learning points in Galatians being that Christians are no longer under the "law"?
After finding Christ, people wanted to put themselves under the law again, instead of under grace of Christ. Stupid reasoning, but there it is nevertheless. We see that "the men who run the Watchtower Society" find it much easier to have their followers live by a list of requirements, rulez and regz---than to rely on relationship with God which requires the JWs true attention, time AND patience waiting for HIS answers on a one-to-one basis. The WTS forbids the JWs to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and mocks others that DO, so I won't even go there. For NOW, anyway.
Think about it! The WTS has instituted MORE laws, MORE rules, MORE regulations, MORE new doctrines, MORE policies, MORE printed "counsel" and MORE "suggestions" than any other (allegedly Christian) religion that I can think of!
This wouldn't be such a surprise---but these pompous and self-aggrandized men who run this "heaven-inspired" ball team---constantly remind us and still arrogantly make the claim that THEY are God's ONLY approved major league on earth and on every diamond they happen to stumble upon. THEY will (and do) boast that THEY are THE ONLY WAY to salvation! WE can plainly see...they have run the wrong way on this religious playing field while trying to prove this ridiculous delusion they enjoy. They may have possibly caught the ball in the beginning, but have long since dropped it if they had! These managers, the "pretend ballplayers" who really don't DO much of ANYTHING BUT "make the rules"....have all headed straight for the dugout while basking in THEIR glory and smugly waiting for the final inning to conclude while mistakenly thinking and complacently dreaming that THEIR NAME will be on the coveted Pennant.
Somewhere, these managers, "the men who run the WTS", have made up a NEW ballgame and have excitedly tacked on rule after rule after rule on all its poor players. They have never USED the word "grace" because they have deleted it from their handy-dandy tainted version of the ballplayers handbook---the that "ANY rules" are IN, as far as the WTS is concerned. Who CARES what Galations says, anyway?
Their hot and unbridled love affair with incessant rulemaking, AND their very unchristian teachings and beliefs, have expunged Jesus AND his message from the minds of their followers. They have turned the preaching the Good News" of Christ into a visual gimmick to attract people to the Watchtower and NOT to Christ. Think of all those clever and eye-catching "artists renderings" of "life on a Paradise earth and don't YOU want to live THERE?" that are a far cry from "Come to ME...I am the Way, the Truth and the Life".... while the unpaid volunteer WTS slaves ARE calling the householders to "come to THEIR Master" for salvation.
I can't WAIT for the Umpire to FINALLY call this fraudulent and lying team and have him throw them OUT OF THE GAME---for not following playing fair, for not showing good sportsmanship and for not following the rules....the REAL rules as set down in a REAL bible.
The Watchtower Society is definetely in the wrong league and doesn't deserve to play ball any more.