My Book of Bible Stories - Stolen Artwork

by XJW4EVR 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Ah, I know which picture you are referring to now, the one where those naughty angels are ogling the daughters of men in a most improper and unnatural manner

    No Apologies

  • Leolaia

    Yeah, exactly the same girl on the cover of a German magazine.

  • Sparkplug

    Well Hello Taos Boy! I found that some musicals seem to be the same song the Song book had in them with different words. As soon as I can remember an example I will post it.

  • stapler99

    I don't understand why they would feel the need to copy the two birds in that way. How hard would it have been to draw some other birds instead? They didn't really gain much by plagarizing in this way.

  • TheListener

    Wow the liquor add was a new one to me. It seems that the liquor company agents and the WTBTS worked out a deal without litigation. Weird that the WTS would have used the picture in the first place. This must have been before the lawyers took over. I bet this wouldn't happen now. The lawyers would freak out if the WTS got sued over plagarism and copyright infringements.

  • Ianua

    Hi Leolaia, AFAIR it wasn't the german magazine "Der Spiegel" (The Mirror). It was another german magazine, called "Stern" (Star). Nevertheless, the picture in the Paradise-Book was a plagiarism of a Stern-Cover published in the 80's. Greetings from Germany Ianua

  • VM44

    Here are images showing the Stern cover and its use in the "Live Forever" book.

    Someone should try to find the date for the Stern magazine with the plagiarized cover. That info would be useful.


  • greendawn

    The WTS is a corporation that thrives on dishonesty so it won't be surprising if they plagiarise a lot of material from the satan dominated world and its pictures.

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