For some of you who are searching....Reasons why

by rassillon 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rassillon

    I have more and this may not be the best organized but it will certainly give you the idea that the society outwardly encourages you to check things for your self, well at least they did....

    *** km 8/87 p. 3 Use the “Index” to Grow Spiritually ***

    6 Proverbs 2:4, 5 encourages us to keep searching for knowledge of God just as we would search for hid treasure. We need to seek out Jehovah’s sayings and commandments, and search for wisdom, discernment, and understanding. This searching requires effort and perseverance. It calls for much digging. What a useful tool “the faithful and discreet slave” class has made available for our use in doing that! Let us use the Index to good advantage.

    (Hebrews 5:14) 14 But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong.

    *** g79 10/8 p. 20 A Living Book Reaches the Ends of the Earth ***

    Is the Bible a Living Force in Your Own Life?

    No doubt you want happiness and success in life. Who in his right mind does not? Notice this recommendation:

    “This book of the law should not depart from your mouth, and you must in an undertone read in it day and night, in order that you may take care to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful and then you will act wisely.”—Josh. 1:8.

    Yes, the key to a successful life is not the mere possession of the Bible, but reading and carefully following it. Though much of the Bible is crystal-clear, some parts are “hard to understand.” (2 Pet. 3:16) These difficult portions help to reveal one’s motives. (Heb. 4:12) If a person, deep inside, is unconcerned about learning and doing God’s will, he can point to difficult passages as a “reason” for not reading much of the Bible.—Compare Matthew 13:10-16.

    We must face the fact that making the Bible a living force in our own lives requires real effort. Proverbs 2:1-5 shows that to find ‘the knowledge of God’ we must ‘cry out for understanding and search for it as for hid treasure or for silver.’ “Hid treasures” are not in the open for easy picking. You have to dig. While digging for treasure, some have sacrificed food and sleep. Ah, but when the treasure is found, it was all worth it!

    So, too, time, concentration and meditation are all needed to read the Bible with benefit. Oftentimes a translation in modern language can be helpful. Many have made it a goal to read the Bible through every year. By reading three chapters a day it can be done.

    Never forget what some did in the past merely to have a Bible that they could read with understanding. They were willing to face death on a burning stake to do so. Recall how some men, at the risk of their lives, translated the Bible so the common man could read it. Such examples should surely move us to show our appreciation for this precious book by carefully reading it.

    *** w88 8/15 p. 13 Build Trust in Jehovah—By Diligently Studying His Word ***

    Study Helps Us Defend Our Faith

    14 “I do not want you Witnesses in my house!” said one Ghanaian man to two who called at his home. He further berated the Witnesses for “not accepting blood transfusions and not saluting the national flag.” Such objections are commonly encountered in the field ministry. What a reproach—and a humiliation—it would be if we were unable “to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you”! (1 Peter 3:15) Fortunately, these Witnesses were able to use the Bible effectively to explain the proper view of blood and how a Christian balances respect for national symbols with avoidance of idolatry. The result? The man was impressed with their straightforward answers. Today, both he and his wife are baptized Witnesses.

    15 Paul urges: “Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright.” Personal study will help us not only to stay on the path of life ourselves but also to “be fully competent, completely equipped” to help others do so.—2 Timothy 2:15; 3:17.

    *** w50 5/1 p. 131 “Whatever Else You Get, Get Understanding” ***

    JEHOVAH, the great Theocrat, understands all things and gives understanding to his faithful servants as they need it. Such understanding is one of the chief requisites to proper Theocratic service. It is the thing that marks a mature servant from a novice. The wisest man of ancient times said: “The knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Prov. 9:10, An Amer. Trans.) The One wiser than that ancient sage said to that Holy One: “This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” This knowledge of the Holy One means much more than just a mental idea of his existence. It means a proved knowledge of Jehovah and of his purposes which resists any and all efforts to upset it. It means an understanding of him and an appreciation of why he does the things that he does.

    This proved, tried and unupsettable knowledge is something to be striven for. It is something we cannot get along without , if we hope to enjoy life eternal blessed by God’s kingdom. Keep this fact in mind, and a better appreciation of the force and meaning of the inspired words at Proverbs 4:7, used as our title, results. If we understand that God is our Father, then we will pay attention to what he teaches us, and this will increase our understanding of him and of our relationship to him. “Hear, my son, a father’s instruction, and attend, that you may gain understanding; because I give you sound learning, forsake not my teaching! Above all things get wisdom; whatever else you get, get understanding.” (An Amer. Trans.) In addition to the exhortation of a father, we have also the counsel of his wise and faithful son, who himself profited by his father’s directions: “For I was a son unto my father, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. And he taught me, and said unto me: Let thy heart retain my words; keep my commandments, and live.”—Prov. 4:1-4, 7, Am. Stan. Ver.

    *** w63 2/15 p. 121 Carry Your Own Load of Responsibility ***

    Carry Your Own Load of Responsibility


    Not every Christian is mature enough to choose right from wrong on the basis of Bible principles. Some lack sufficient knowledge, others fail to employ their thinking ability. One might ask others to make important decisions for him because of laziness or the desire to have someone else share the responsibility. Perhaps he really would like to take a certain course of action and hopes the other person’s conscience will approve it, even if his own does not. Whatever the reason, failure to carry your own load of responsibility is to your disadvantage.

    For one thing, the habit of getting others to do your thinking leaves your own perceptive powers untrained and weak . Answers obtained simply by asking someone else are not likely to make a deep impression, certainly not as deep as when you do the research yourself. There is also the possibility that a friend’s impromptu answer may be somewhat incorrect. Then, too, if true worship is ever banned in your land, as it is behind the Iron Curtain, occasions might arise when you would need to know how to determine right and wrong when you could not consult someone else. To do so requires accurate knowledge of Bible principles and the ability to apply them.

    Here it is well to distinguish between a principle and a law. A law asks that you simply obey. A principle asks that you do your own thinking and apply or extend the principle to your own case. This calls to mind Paul’s words at Hebrews 5:14: “Solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” To carry our load of responsibility more capably, let us examine some areas where mature application of Bible principles is involved.

    *** w63 2/15 pp. 124-125 Carry Your Own Load of Responsibility ***


    Being a Christian involves everything one does in life. It is not just a matter of believing and preaching certain doctrines and cherishing certain hopes. At first one who is learning the truths from God’s Word may be particularly concerned with doctrinal matters, because he finds that what the Bible says exposes false religious teachings that he had been taught from childhood. But as he grows in knowledge and appreciation, he sees that what the Bible outlines is more than a set of doctrines; it is a way of life. Now he begins to grasp what the scripture means when it says: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”—Prov. 3:5, 6.

    As a result, no matter what the problem with which he is faced, he first endeavors to ascertain the Bible principles involved and lets them guide his course. Even when deep emotional problems arise, he does not turn for counsel to men who may be highly educated in worldly psychology but who lack true faith in Jehovah God. He does as counseled at James 5:13: “Is there anyone suffering evil among you? Let him carry on prayer.” Yes, he turns to God, regularly communing with him in prayer and taking time to meditate on the portions of his Word that help him to get his problem in proper perspective. If necessary, he may also talk to the overseer of his congregation or some other mature Christian to make sure that he is taking into consideration all the scriptures that bear on his situation. But then, bearing his own load of responsibility, he does not ask someone else to make his decisions for him. He faces up to the situation, determining which course he as a dedicated Christian ought to pursue. Then, trusting in Jehovah to uphold him, he courageously walks in the way that will keep him close to God.

    *** w63 2/15 p. 125 Carry Your Own Load of Responsibility ***

    Do your research and come to the best conclusion that you are able to reach . Youths should check their conclusions with their parents. Wives may verify their findings by asking their dedicated husbands. Anyone can check an important matter with his congregation overseer. While offering the needed help, the overseer will also do well to inquire if the individual has done any research and thinking of his own on the question. At times it may be necessary to write to the Society about a matter if it is important in one’s ministry. But all are urged to learn to discern the Bible principles involved in a matter just as the Society would.—Ps. 119:105.

    By carrying your own load of responsibility you will enjoy greater use of your perceptive powers as you grow to maturity and in usefulness to Jehovah God and his organization. In time of crisis you will be able to determine what God’s will for you is, just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did in their own case. And, like them, you will find Jehovah’s protection and favor in faithfully carrying your own load of responsibility.—Gal. 6:5.

    *** w61 10/1 p. 590 Loyalty with a Unified Heart ***

    27 David does not end the matter with praying for instruction. He immediately adds: “I shall walk in your truth.” In this manner one puts to use the instruction received; one follows it. In this way one walks in God’s truth. One lives the truth. One brings one’s life into harmony with that truth about God and his kingdom. One abandons the lies, traditions, ceremonies, practices and holy days that were received from the false religions of this world. One preaches the truth and bears witness to it by word and action, as Jesus did, this being the purpose for which Jesus was born as a human creature.

  • under_believer

    Well done. The quote "But all are urged to learn to discern the Bible principles involved in a matter just as the Society would" is personally revolting to me.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Dear Rasillon:

    I was a witness for 26 years until Sept. of 2005 and a full time pioneer. The articles you quoted are kinda a facade, they put on. They say one thing but mean another.

    They really, really, really don't want you coming to any conclusion different, about anything than what has been taught thru the Governing body. And if you do come to a different conclusion, you will be labeled an apostate or disfellowshipped or both.

  • rassillon

    Star, I am completely aware of what they really want and don't want.

    My reason for posting these is to give ones some backing if asked why they were researching or asking questions.

    I know that I will probably be put in the hot seat at some time in the future and am preparing a defense as to not only what I have learned but also why I was justified in looking into things.

    Sorry if you got a different impression.


  • moomanchu

    Just tell them your doing what CTR was doing, you know, checking out all the different beliefs of mankind .

    Of course you know this will not fly.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Just tell them your doing what CTR was doing

    Right on! If what he did won over a speical kind of favor from God that NO Christian had ever recieved before then hell it must be good for the rest of us too.

  • Tea4Two

    The Elders will not like it if you throw the WTS quotes in their face.....Espeically if it is an old quote (old light) from their own magazines. The WTS had a web site shut down because it.

    I forgot the name of the web site, I think it was

  • Tea4Two
    For one thing, the habit of getting others to do your thinking leaves your own perceptive powers untrained and weak . Answers obtained simply by asking someone else are not likely to make a deep impression, certainly not as deep as when you do the research yourself. There is also the possibility that a friend’s impromptu answer may be somewhat incorrect. Then, too, if true worship is ever banned in your land, as it is behind the Iron Curtain, occasions might arise when you would need to know how to determine right and wrong when you could not consult someone else. To do so requires accurate knowledge of Bible principles and the ability to apply them.

    The GB does not really mean what they say here.....The July 15th 2006 Watchtower study warns against "thinking outside the organziation."

  • jgnat

    When my loyal JW hubby came to the study with the "wrong" answer because he found older light on the CD, his study leader told him to stick to the newer materials.

    His study question was whether resurrected loved ones come back reconstituted old-but-healthy (so we recognize 'em) or young. I still can't remember what the 'right' answer is.

  • rassillon

    T42, I know the elders won't like it, that is kind of why I am going to do it. I am going to use the confluence of the different stands the society has taken on matters to make my point and put the burden on them to define HOW and WHY a REASONABLE person can resolve the differences. I know that ultimately I may be dismissed because of their inability or unwillingness to deal with the matters as legitimate. Such is life. I assure all, I have no expectations which lie outside of the realities which I know. I know several things, one is, witnesses only allow arguments which conform to their rules, I wasam one. If I can have arguments which are in the spirit of their rules I have a better chance of being percieved as "honest hearted" "deeply concerned". If I can do this I will be better able to salvage my family than if I were branded a haughty, self rightous, apostate. -r

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