Belief by definition is based on things unproven, so requires some degree of circular reasoning. A classic one is "the bible inspired because it says it is inspired"
My point is that it is wrong be dogmatic that ONLY JWs are correct simply because they say they are. There is no harm in believing in God, the bible etc, but there is harm in any religious group victimising members and ex members on the basis that "we are right because we said so".
Once aware of this circular reasoning it is frustrating to read Watchtower magazines. Someone sent me an email today with a Watchtower article proving that they are Gods organization. The article "identifying the Mother Organization" says:
"Then in the eighth verse (AS) it says: “Shall a land be born in one day? shall a nation be brought forth at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” This foretells the birth of more children, but this time on earth. This occurred in 1919. The land that is born is the restored condition on earth of Jehovah’s anointed remnant in a New World society, a condition free for Jehovah’s worship and for organized service theocratically. The new nation is the remnant of spiritual Israel delivered from Babylon and now under the established newborn Kingdom."
Here is a typical article that goes into great lengths to describe how the WTS is THE organisation,without the slightest piece of evidence to support why that is true.