Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-4-06 WT Study (SHEPHERDS)

by blondie 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • proandcon

    Blondie...just a great summary and a former elder I know there was a sizable gap betweeen what was suppossed to be done by elders and what actually was done...I knew elders who would avoid people because they know they had problems that they (the elder) had been requested to assit; knew elders who for years were asked to work in the ministry with the R&F...never did...and balked if assigned...every congregation had a very weak sheparding program...from time to time it owuld get jump started...then within 4 months begin to languish again for several more a cong I attend now infrequently as an x elder, there are twice as many exelders as current elders...none of the exes would ever return to that position again...many see that and wonder really about the elder position...for every man reaching out there are at least two just sitting back...most of the ones reaching out are on ego trips and aspire to "greatness" in the org...they're not spiritual men or ones who have particularly caring and loving attitudes which would lend themselves to being kind out "sheep" who are lost...for get it...don't ask don't tell is the policy...a fader's paradise here....

    JW's like to consider themselves as one big flock bonded together with actuality it's every man for himself. The WTS does not know or even care about its flock...the aggogance and lack of humility they have transends to the elders in the congregations...the elders have no original thoughts...they are directed soley by the WTS...jealousy and backbiting on elders bodies in pretty notorious...I've been in business in large companies for over 35 years...dealing with these "loving shepards selected by holy spirit" has been far more trying than dealing with executives in worldly corporations.

    THe BS in this article is simply unbelievable...I'm not going today but will wonder how many elders actually answer the questions inthe article...not many I bet...

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Blondie,

    Once again, "thank you" for posting this for us. It is hard to read, I agree, but at least we can keep up with what our family and friends are being taught. I found your comment below (in red) very interesting, as my Grandmother told me not long ago, that the Elders in her hall are very concerned, because they are all getting up there in age, and no young ones are reaching out. They are concerned that there will not be anyone to replace them. And they SHOULD be concerned!!


    Lady Liberty

    As fewer young men get baptized or stay beyond their late teens and early 20's, the pool of male JWs get smaller. In one congregation all the elders were 50 and over and the there were only 2 MS and they had shaky abilities.

  • Odrade

    blegh to the Mrs Elder who is thankful her husband spends his "spare time" with her. What a priority she is that she gets sloppy seconds and is GRATEFUL for it.
    Elders crying over you... yeah, we had one, he LET HIMSELF INTO MY HOUSE SO THE PIONEERS COULD USE THE BATHROOM, then stood in the entryway and cried his crocodile tears over the fact that I wouldn't come to the Kingdom Hall. Of course, I had been gone at least 6 months, and there was the pesky need to take a break and potty somewhere...
    Thanks for posting yet another vomit worthy, controlling article from the "Mother." *puke*blegh*ptoooie*

  • blondie

    Welcome back, mysterious. Hope things are going well.

    "Marked" has always sounded like such a cliquish snob word to me. Oh no I marked you you can't come in here!
    Would love to hear more behind the scenes stories about elders if you ever feel like sharing blondie

    Actually "marked" has 2 applications, the official one the elders use when they "counsel" the individual privately, then "mark" them publicly without naming them. Then there is the "marking" JWs are allowed to do "privately." Of course, if they make a big deal to other JWs that they too shouldn’t associate with that person, it no longer is "private."

    I through in some elder stories but really there is nothing new under the sun. That is why many on JWD recognize the same situation in their old congregations. The sad trend I see now is that many of the kinder ones are being forced out, either officially or by the personal choice of that elder. Another trend I see too is that the WTS is bringing in outside elders more and more to be POs rather than appointing a local elder, indicating that the elders are not "obedient" enough to the WTS policies.


    , good points.

    I got to the point I would only tell the elders that the KH was on fire because then it would do some good to be spread all over the congregation.

    And this is excellent—I can remember when one congregation forbade mustaches. Rather than shave them off, the mustachioed brothers switched to a nearby congregation…started a BOE feud that last for ten years.

    Are you modestly cooperating with the Bible-based decisions made by the shepherds?

    Lol - Bibles must vary between Congregations then!

    Willyloman, nothing to add?
    Blondie: I was an elder for more than 20 years. When I saw this topic I figured I would have something germane to add to the discussion. But you left no stone unturned in your commentary. Every word in red is absolutely true. Those are my thoughts exactly.

    Shall the elders be announcing my appointment soon?

    Hey, Jgnat,

    By comparison, my JW husband wants to shun him because of his poor appearance and ongoing problems. My boy doesn't LOOK like a good JW

    That’s because your hubbie is trying so hard to fit in at the KH. He can comfort himself that at least there is one person worse than he is. This concept brings many people to the WTS, the need to be able to feel better than someone else.

    Keep in mind my church has a membership of over 300. Like the JW's we are taught that EVERY member has a part in the ministry, so we all do our bit. Note that several people have taken an interest in my son. Nevertheless my pastor knows us all by name. By comparison, the half-dozen elders in my hubby's Kingdom Hall only have about sixty "sheep" to watch over. Yet the conductor often forgets the names of those he calls on.

    Actually they really have only 10 to look after 6 elders/60 JWs. I can still remember a brother from my childhood that knew my name and my brother’s name and greeted us with it every time he saw us. But that was long ago.

    Thanks, xjwms,

    I would never write a letter…I’m surprised he didn’t share it with the body and rake her over the coals. I preferred one-on-one discussions though I was usually required to have another elder there…it was better when I could have my husband there too.

    I remember an elder telling me that a sister had a problem with him. WT conducter. So she wrote him a letter.

    Hi heathen,

    But it is "explains" not "complains." (smile)

    but blondie is not the only one that complains about poor treatment

    Hey, archangel01,

    They don't even have the Real Jesus of scripture, so what does one expect

    Yes, the WTS says that the elders should act like Jesus did in treating Peter; Peter was allowed to speak about the establishment of the Christian congregation only 51 days, days after denying Christ…how many JWs are reinstated after 51 days and then allowed to give a talk at a district convention?

    Likewise, Panda,

    WHen my husband was an elder he tried to be like the rest but he would get frustrated at what the elders would or wouldn't do. Of course this is partly what helped him fade...

    The continuing lack of love by the elders convinced my hubbie not to be a part of the cruelty.

    Well said, Bluesbrother

    all the elders at todays study know full well that this is total B/S - maybe it is what they would like it to be, but it certainly is not like it today, and I speak with 24 years experience on and around bodies of elders in 4 congregations.

    I have gathered these elder experiences from over 30 elders and 35 years. They chew the good ones up and spit them out.

    Hi proandcon,

    a cong I attend now infrequently as an x elder, there are twice as many exelders as current elders...none of the exes would ever return to that position again...many see that and wonder really about the elder position...for every man reaching out there are at least two just sitting back

    A trend I have seen in many congregations. In one there were only 4 elders, 8 ex-elders (all of whom would never, never be an elder again). The CO tried to guilt these brothers but they held firm…they KNEW what was done…they didn’t buy into the propaganda.

    Hi Lady Liberty,

    my Grandmother told me not long ago, that the Elders in her hall are very concerned, because they are all getting up there in age, and no young ones are reaching out.

    In the developed countries, few if any from outside the organization are getting baptized. One elder admitted from the platform that no one other than children of JWs had been baptized in the last 10 years. And none of those male children were still associated. Perhaps they will have to import some from the ranks of the downsized Bethelites…ha!

    Hi Odrade, and you would have an inside view of elders and elder bodies.

    cried his crocodile tears over the fact that I wouldn't come to the Kingdom Hall. Of course, I had been gone at least 6 months, and there was the pesky need to take a break and potty somewhere...

    They did that once to us. I saw that they were coming, quick put on my robe and messed my hair up and looked like I had the flu. I greeted them through a crack in the door saying I was sick and made retching noises…they ran away fast…hahaha…stop by to use my bathroom….just a ploy to check your videos/DVDs and check for any other incriminating material.

    Good Comments, everyone.


  • PrimateDave

    Thank you Blondie!

    "Loving Christian shepherds endeavor to show personal interest in each sheep in the congregation."
    As soon as I got to the hall yesterday, I got some 'personal interest' in the form of an interrogation. My BS conductor wanted to know if I had attended a different book study than his. And where was I on Thurday night? (I wonder what he would have said if I told him I was reading Ray Franz's Crisis of Conscience?) Why wasn't I in service with the rest of the congregation Saturday? There was no point in telling the truth. Oh, and where is your field service time? 'I already put it in the box over there.'
    There is no feeling of community. All the personal interest revolves around 'production numbers'. I don't remember if it was Noam Chomsky who said that corporations are authoritarian regimes, but the WTBS is just a corporation inside the skin of a religion.
    "At times, shepherds may suggest ways in which an individual can improve in his service to Jehovah. In doing so, wise shepherds imitate the apostle Paul. Consider the way he appealed to the brothers in Thessalonica: "We have confidence in the Lord regarding you, that you are doing and will go on doing the things we order." (2 Thessalonians 3:4)"
    It took me all of two minutes to see the spin of this 'study article'. Not that I paid attention, mind you. I was reading Who Wrote the Bible?, a book that explains the Documentary Theory of Biblical origins. Excellent book. The Society criticizes it in various WT and A articles but does not give any refutation.

  • yesidid

    Thanks Blondie,

    I really appreciate all your work.

    What is sad is that we all know elders who really tried or are trying to do the right thing by the brothers. Many have left,

    many more will follow.

    Thanks again


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