I got invited to a party, should i go?

by jurs 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    Hello guys,

    I must say that being labeled an apostate has made my life quite interesting. I'm shunned every day at cosmetology school and the town I live in is small and I run into JW's all the time.
    Today I saw a study who I called befor I left to warn her its a cult. I even invited her to my meetung with the elders when they came to discuss my DA letter. Today I was shopping and I saw her. I walked up to her and said Hi. (I think she would have shunned me because it appeared like she was trying to avoid me, I could be paranoid though)any how we ended up having a nice chat and I thanked her for speaking to me. I told her it meant alot to me. She then invited me to her Mary Kay party. For the guys reading this thats a makeup party. I think theres a good chance that maybe JW's might be there. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to ask her if any would be there. Do you guys think I should go? It'll definately be awkward if they are there.


  • nelly136

    never mind the jws, is there going to be free booze?
    on second thoughts...jws probably means its a juice and squash affair
    ....never mind
    you got her number? perhaps you could call and ask, could always do it on the 'wouldnt want to compromise you'(get you into trouble with my presence) as opposed to 'are they going to be there?'
    hows college going?

  • Bgurltryal

    A Mary Kay 'party' is a sales ploy not a party. It's insulting! It's just another thing weak minds get sucked into. My advise is don't go. You have no need to. These people are not your friends and to go just belittles you. It WILL feel awkward regardless of who's there as their sales tactics are remanisent of JW, and other cult tactics. Best to leave well enough alone and get you cosmetics for cheap at walmart:)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    That's true, it IS much more a "sales opportunity' than a real party, but you don't HAVE to buy anything. On the other hand, you're FREE! If you want to buy something, go ahead!

    If you have the stomach for it, I would urge you to go and simply not allow anyone to shun you - or at least not make it easy for them.

    Shunning is a cruel and foolish practice, but if you can charge up your "prankster' batteries, you can turn it into an opportunity for these people to make fools of themselves. It will require that you look deep into your heart and make absolutely sure that you will not let the JWs exercise CONTROL over you.

    But only you know if you want to play YOUR game with them.

    Let us know what you decide, will you?

  • Shaneliza

    Hi Jurs,

    It depends on how gutsy you are...if you feel you can handle it, go and hold your head high. On the other hand, if you feel it would be too awkward for you to sit there, then save yourself the aggrevation and politely decline the invitation. The evil side of me wishes I could go with you..I'd stare them all down and kill 'em with kindness.


  • Vitameatavegamin

    Just a quick observation,

    I have been inactive for a while now, and I am not included in the JW gatherings much anymore. But recently, I recieved an invitation in the mail to come to a jewelry party being given by a sister in the cong.........Funny, when they want to make a buck off of you, suddenly, you're alright to have around!!

    What a joke.


  • noidea

    Don't I know what you mean. If it a bbq or just playing cards forget it. If it is for a shower of a sales event, invitations galore.

    The question is...Do you want to go? Is it something that under different circumstances you would go no hesitation? If you answer yes to either question.. then go.

  • MadApostate

    Vita and NoIdea:

    I couldn't let this thread slide off without 'seconding' your thoughts about $$$$$$$$$$$$$ temporarily interrupting the shunning process.

    I have a 'section/family' of JW relatives that take special efforts/go out of their way to avoid me like the plague (although they will talk to me if they slip up and meet me face to face). Well, within the past few months, TWO of them have had special events which customarily entail giving "gifts", and guess Who (Me) received invitations to Both? Also, guess who has taken all this Crap he going to? Neither got so much as a nickel from me!

    Years ago I was in a Cong which had a sister whose husband was not a JW, but neither was he an opposer, although he would occasionally poke fun at JW absurdities that he observed. He was also known to be fairly well off financially, and this was known throughout the circuit. Over the years, I heard JWs throughout the circuit repeatedly slander and verbally abuse this man behind his back, and even to his wife's face, because of his audacity to mock their absurdities, when he observed such.
    However, guess who was the very first person who got telephoned for a sales appointment when those very same JWs got jobs selling overpriced pots/pans, vacuum cleaners, hearing aids, vitamin supplements, etc??? And you know what, that Man ALWAYS bought their overpriced crap because he felt sorry for their deprived families. Yet, those very same JWs would continue to slander him for years behind his back, even after he allowed them to take advantage of his money.

    He's dead now, and JWs he helped financially still speak ill of him because he was smart enough not to get caught up in their cult.

    They credit Jehovah for moving his "hard heart" to help them, without so much as a thought that that man had a better heart than any of them to begin with.

  • HoChiMin


    There have been many good points brought out whether or not you should go to their sales party. That is a personal decision, however the shunning part is barbaric. The best time can be had with mixed company, witnesses and non witnesses, they look so stupid wen they ignore you and wiggle around trying to look the other way. Ever wonder why the WT advises the r&f to avoid gatherings with df'ed or da'ed people their? Because they are social misfits when acting like they are teaching you a lesson in love by avoiding you and treating you like dirt.

    Warning people of the cult is something I like to do also, if the subject of religion comes up. A lot of people I deal with knew I was a dub and telling them the real truth is rather enjoyable. The first person I told was a woman I had met at the door and known previously, did that ever feel good to tell her I no longer spread lies like an idiot book salesman.


  • nytelecom1

    no no.....it can prepare you for a great career at SUPERCUTS!!!

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