Oh sigh.....what do you do when your Virgo is depressed?....

by kittyeatzjdubs 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    My poor baby has been in this awful funk all week. He hates his current job so much and feels so completely unfulfilled. He would love to do anything pertaining to drawing...especially being a tattoo artist, but he's just stuck in this awful rut.

    I state the fact that he's a Virgo, b/c he is in so many ways. I keep trying to tell him, but he tells me that I'm full of baloney.

    How do you cheer up a Virgo???

    luv, jojo

  • damselfly

    Sorry kitty-kat, I've got a Taurus myself. Any tips on how to snap him out of it?


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I wish I did Damsel. I could be the next Miss Cleo and be rich.

    luv, jojo

  • freedomlover

    I'm a virgo AND stubborn so the only thing that works for me is when I'm good and done being in a funk then I'll do what I want to do about the problem!! :)

    sorry, guess I don't really have any suggestions.....

  • damselfly

    LMAO ~ Oh how could I have forgotten about Miss Cleo?!


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    lol @ dams 'Allo deerie! Ah see a good ting fo you fewcha!!!

    So should I just let him ride it out FL?

    luv, jojo

  • freedomlover

    maybe so.....you've made your suggestions now let him decide. when he is REALLY, TRULY sick of his job he'll be motivated enough to get a new job...

    just my opinion.... :)

  • under_believer

    He's a male. Sexual favors usually work.

  • Virgochik

    Freedomlover is right...we feel better when we're ready to, lol!

    Peace and quiet time by myself is so therapeutic for me, some down time to sort things out and meditate restores me like nothing else. That's when i can figure out what's bugging me and get over it.

    Also helpful: being taken out to eat at a favorite restaurant, or going shopping, or a ride in the country.

    Virgochik, wife of a longsuffering hubby!

  • Soledad

    I'm married to a Virgo. Been there! Just let him figure things out on his own. Virgos are dreamers; perhaps he'll get an idea in his sleep and then act on it.

    Other than that, just hold his hand while he drinks, draws, gambles, smokes......whatever the heck he's into. He'd also appreciate a good BJ. I'm just sayin......

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