Inquiry mind wants to know

by jw 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    What years were you an active Jw? until now

    When was the last year you attended a meeting? this morning

    Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? was not really leading a double life now (well sometimes maybe)

    What turn you away from the WTS? that they are wrong, and dangerous

    Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? atheistic bouddist

  • Tea4Two

    Good post many exJW's have experienced what you went through and feel the same way.

    To jw: ditto coffee black's post.

  • unclebruce

    Well said Coffee Black


    What years were you an active JW? 1965 – 1986 I first took a ‘stand for the truth’ in school at 8 years of age.

    When was the last year you attended a meeting? 2000AD (an Assembly on apostate business).

    Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? Both (like Jesus).

    What turn you away from the WTS? Watchtower lies, blasphemy and ignorance.

    Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? All three but none / Taoist by nature.


  • Dismembered

    What years were you an active Jw? 1974 - 1999/2000

    When was the last year you attended a meeting? Memorial 2003

    Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? 100% JW Company Man

    What turn you away from the WTS? hypocrisy, WT politics, congregation politics, nepotism, "elders", constant changing of the WT "light bulb"

    Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? I apply the "golden rule". It works well Dismembered
  • jgnat

    Well, two out of about 32. But the questions were weighted. Non-JW's may not have responded unless you asked first, "Are you a Jehovah's Witness?" "If not, what attracted you to this board?"

  • Mary

    What years were you an active Jw? - Was baptized in 1979 or 1980......can't remember

    When was the last year you attended a meeting? Memorial this year.

    Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? For the most part, a true christian.....hey, no one's perfect.

    What turn you away from the WTS? reading 'postate literature and finding out the truth about The Truth

    Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? Christian. I still believe in God and will probably eventually go to another church.

  • mouthy

    coffee_black. Nice post.

    I enjoyed your post (((HUG))

  • hubert
    coffee_black. Nice post.

    Mouthy, Thanks for saying this, as it got me to read Coffees' post too, and I agree, it is excellent, just about covers everything.

    Thanks you, Coffee_Black.


  • mouthy

    Hubert (((((HUG)))

  • melmoth

    >What years were you an active Jw? Born into it (1960s) through 1988 or thereabouts. >When was the last year you attended a meeting? 1988, I think. Attended a couple of Memorials™ after that. >Were you a true christian or did you live a double life? That's hard to say. I didn't have a double life, but when you are raised in it, living the JW routine can be just a matter of habit and "what you do," rather than something heartfelt. >What turn you away from the WTS? Several things converging. I was involved in a disciplinary matter that while a little traumatic didn't really bother me too badly; however my mother believed it was handled in a very heavy-handed way by hypocritical elders with somewhat personal motives involved, and she became inactive. At the same time, I was in college and started to examine the whole matter more objectively. I also knew that I was gay and while not actively so at the time, it was pretty clear that being myself and living as a JW was going to be difficult, if not impossible. No one of these things did it on its own, but the convergence of all of them in a short space of time made it relatively simple to just quietly stop. Moving away from home shortly afterwards, which I'd have likely done anyway, made it even easier. Looking back, I am grateful to my father for accepting my decision with pretty much zero fuss about it - even though he continued to be active (though not diehard) for some time afterwards. >Do you consider yourself a christian , agnostic or an athiest now and why? I'm an agnostic, with an appreciation - and to some degree adoption - of Buddhist principles for living a fulfilling and rewarding life.

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