A Poem. By me, Nancy Drake.

by Nancy Drake 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    "You Love Them More Than Me" by Nancy Drake.

    Parental-induced Heart Malady.

    That is how this feels.

    When you tell me I’m not good enough.

    I used to be.

    But now I’m not in your group

    And I never will be.

    I wanted to be right there with you.

    Not because I believed.

    But I loved you and needed you.

    And I was an imposter

    Because it tortured me to hurt you


    Never again will I represent

    The very group that says

    It’s not okay to see your kid.

    Above all the other bullshit that this nonsensical group says,

    It’s not okay to see your kid

    Because she made a stupid mistake?

    That is where I draw this line.

    So tell me…

    Tell me something real.

    No, I don’t want to hear

    about how many people you got to join your damn group.

    Or what a great speaker you are.

    Or what a great actor you are (drama, drama)

    Or how upbuilding it is to be with your brothers and your sisters

    Who didn’t have the same mom or dad as you.

    They only love you

    Because there is no one else to love.

    Help me understand,

    Is it really so great,

    That it’s worth this pain?

    You say I’m still your daughter.

    Please, don’t bother.

    Don’t justify your choice.

    I don’t want you to feel better.


    Just take some goddamn responsibility.

    I didn’t choose to be without you.

    Your group chose this for you.

    You allowed yourselves to be caught up,

    And lose something precious.

    It’s your turn now…

    Without the programmed response, please.

    How did it feel?

    To have a baby,

    To raise her,

    To watch her grow.

    To get accustomed to her face

    Her personality

    To love her

    (It seemed sincere. Was it?)

    And then with her one false step…

    Make her life altering decision

    Without a second thought.

    You didn’t lose her.

    You pushed her out of your life.


    Don’t proselytize your feelings.

    Just tell me how your heart felt.

    Like someone ripped it

    From your chest

    And put it on shelf

    And then asked you about the weather

    That’s how it feels,

    When I realize you just love them

    More than me.

  • whyamihere


    I love you, I know how you feel. Wonderful, yet heartbreaking poem.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Oh my god!!! I love your new avatar Brooke!! I feel better just looking at it.

    I love you and I'm glad there are people like you who understand here.

    As obvious as my inspiration is for this poem, I was motivated by an email from my dad today...

  • whyamihere

    Honey, you will always have me to lay your sad head upon my monstrous bosom!

    Cheer up love, I am coming your way soon! We will drink, laugh, drink, cry, and drink some more!


  • gumby
    I didn’t choose to be without you.

    Your group chose this for you.

    You allowed yourselves to be caught up,

    And lose something precious.

    You didn’t lose her.

    You pushed her out of your life.

    Awwwww Nancy....that was heartbreaking......yet so true

    We still love you...and so does your family I suppose.....but this damn cult can warp your families mind and make them act like they would not normally act. We all need to never let up on bringing this group to it's kness. It will happen....someday. I just hope that all who have been hurt by them who are reading this will live to see that wonderous day.

    For Nancy


  • bikerchic

    Wow Nancy that was very moving!


  • love2Bworldly

    Great poem! You should mail it to your JW family.

  • arwen

    Your poem touched my soul, Nancy...It could have been from one of my sons to their father.... Take good care of yourself and know that others truly care for you too..

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Thank you to the people who read and who (may/may not) have enjoyed my poem. Seriously, I feel better now. If only I had the courage to tell them my true feelings. I really don't know what I have to lose. Two phone calls and an email in one year...and it's not even June! I don't know if I should push it. Seriously! '06 might even be the year they agree to meet me in a public location! (In a different city, of course. People might see....)

  • professor

    i can't get over how right on the poem is. Also diggin the Norbie avatar.

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