Why I became agnostic after leaving the Watchtower

by donny 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny


    I agree with your political assessment. That is why I am now an independent. For the most part the parties are more alike than different. Greed and lust for power runs both

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Someone said, and it resounded with my emotions when i first left the jw and the WT: "You're lucky if you get out of the WT with any faith at all."

    I wasn't "lucky." And have quit trying to go to any church, after accepting several invitations from some nice people we know here in our town. They are so convinced that they have God's approval because they attend a church, and they are convinced as well that their church is the best one to belong to.

    But the preaching just makes me ill and i hate being there, feeling like the Bible is being shoved down my throat. I don't like getting in doctrinal discussions either, it's no fun and gives me anxiety.

    I finally told one lady who was quite insistant that i should go with her to listen to the great singing and be inspired: "I think I have a filter now that nothing can get through." Haven't heard another word from her.


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